Morning before warpedtour

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I woke up and got out of bed. I went downstairs and didn't smell the usual sent of Pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage. Hmm something isn't right.

I walked downstairs and saw my brother laying on the couch with

Musicians Dream (A/N that's what the book is called the one she gave Andy)

It was laying on his chest still open at the last chapter. He wasn't done reading. But the last chapter, the last page is how it ends. She just kills her self and the book ends.

The author of the book made the end story of what happened but I didn't enjoy it as much.

I wanted to wake Andy up. And I knew exactly how. I pulled out my phone and clicked on the Bands playlist. I scrolled down and saw the words 'Perfect Weapon' and clicked on it. It loaded and I turned the volume up all the way.

Andy's loud scream at the beginning always makes me jump.

I hit play... 3...2...1...

*Andy's screams come from out of my phone*

Andy shot right up an looked around startled.

"What the fuck was that for?" Andy asked.

"To wake you up. Where's my damn bacon?" I asked laughing.

"I wouldn't be laughing. You can easily not go to warped tour." He said. I immediately stopped laughing.

"Sorry.." I mumbled.

"We got one day. That's it one day!" I said.

"Are you excited for your first time at warped tour?" Andy asked.

Andy was preforming a full set last year but i didn't go because I had to do summer school. Andy decided to help me out this year so I didn't have to waste my summer.

"yes! I'm super excited!" I exclaimed.

"Okay. Hey I'll make the bacon now." Andy said.

"Okay wait. Before you make the bacon you have to finish Musicians Dream." I told him.

"Yay!" Andy said. Wait. Did Andy really just say yay to reading a book? Okay then that a bit weird..

Any ways I decided to make the pancakes.


30 Minutes Later


"No! The book can't end! Not this way! There must be something wrong! It's missing a chapter in between the second last and last chapters! It just can't end with her dying!" Andy yelled.

"I said that too. Sadly it ends like that. There is a second book but it's just about the other characters. It wasn't as good." I admit.

"Okay. Well... It was a good book. Here time to make the bacon." Andy said.

Andy and I finished eating.

I was super excited for warped tour.

I would be meeting some cool bands!

"Hey Sky wanna come to band practice?" Andy asked me.

"Yeah sure. Let me get dressed." I said.

I ran upstairs and went to my closet. Most stuff was already packed.

I took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a Pierce the Veil Tank top.

It was black with the collide with the sky cover on it.

I took my black vans and got dressed.

I went in my bathroom and quickly did my makeup.

I did my usual white to black smokey eye look and did my thick black eyeliner. I grabbed my cellphone then walked down to where Andy was.

We and Andy walked to the car and we drove to Jake's house.


Hey guys sorry this was just a short chapter but the next one will be longer <3 thank you guys for supporting me.

If you like the story please favourite and tell me what you think give me your feedback in the comments!

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