Pain and tears

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I woke up and I was on a bunk bed. I was hoping it was just a dream. I pulled the curtain and looked around. It wasn't the Black Veil Bride bus. I was wondering if it was just a prank that the boys of All Time Low pulled.

"So you are finally up..." The voice said.

I turned around and saw the guy with the black mask. He was just a bit taller then me.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

I asked scared. Tears filled my eyes and tears rolled down my cheek.

"Wait don't cry, Rain. Please" the person p.ut their hand to the mask and pulled it off.

(A/N oohhh you get to figure out who!)

I couldn't believe who was right in front of me.

"Vic?!" I say. He nodded his head.

"Vic why the hell did you kidnap me?!" I say.

"I just wanted to surprise you." He said smiling.

I gave him a big hug.

"Don't do that! I thought you were gonna kill me!" I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"I knew you were a fan. I wanted to make you happy." He said. He looked at me as he released me from the hug. He looked at my left arm and all the bracelets.

I hid my arm.

"You don't.." He said.

"no why would you think that?" I said smiling.

"Sky." He said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Prove it to me that you don't." He said taking my hand. I looked at his eyes in fear. He led me to the couch and we sat down.

He slowly pulled off one bracelet at a time.

I looked at the scars. Some of them burn marks, some from cuts, and some were just bruises.

My eyes teared up. I never looked at my wrist really.

There was one more bracelet. He took it off and it revealed fresh cuts.

"Sky..." He said. Tears poring down my face now as I cried silently.

"Can I kiss them?" He asked.

"Why would you want to kiss ugly scars? The worst part is that the ugly scars belong to an ugly person!" I yelled. I ran to the door and opened it up.

Standing there was Kellin.

"Sky?" He asked.

I looked at him with my eyes bloodshot.

"Sky what's wrong?" Kellin asked.

"Vic kidnapped me and he took away my bracelets!" I slightly yelled.

And with that I ran off.

I was running and running to our tour bus. Everyone was sitting around but Andy was gone.

"Tell Andy I'm okay." I say to no one specific.

"Okay. Where were you?" Asked Jinxx.

"Kidnapped by Vic Fuentes." I said casually.

"Hey Rain. What's that on your arm?" Asked Ash.

I looked at him and then looked back at the ground.

"Rain?" He asked but I didn't reply.

"Sky Caroline Biersack!" Ash said. I looked up to him in shock because he used my full name.

"Your eyes are bloodshot, your not wearing bracelets and there are scars and cuts and bruises on your arm. Tell me what's wrong." He said.

I shook my head.

"No! No Ash you can't make me tell you!" I screamed at him. Everyone started to stare at me.

I looked around then at the ground.

"I'm sorry..." I say and run away quickly.

I ran and ran to someone I knew could help.

I ran to the BMTH bus and knocked on the door.

"Oli! Open up!" I said.

And a second later I saw the door open. It wasn't Oli... It was Andy.

"Andy?" I asked.

"Sky! Come in tell me what happened. Where were you?!" He yelled angrily.

We came inside and sat on the couch. Oliver was there too.

"Sky where are your bracelets?" He asked.

He was the only one that knew about my selfharm.

"Okay let me explain." I say.

"So we were back stage watching you preform I went to the bathroom and I was kidnapped. I drank the water they gave me but passed out. I was on a tour bus and turned out it was Vic's bus. He wanted to surprise me. He realized I had bracelets on and he took them off. He asked to kiss them and I got mad and upset and started to cry. I then ran back to the bus and you were gone. Ashley asked me what happened to me and why there were marks on my wrist I didn't answer and just ran off." I said now crying my eyes out.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." He said giving me a hug.

"Sky don't worry. I'm always here for you. You know that. I think Vic was just trying to be nice. " Said Oli.

"oh." I say under my breath.

"Hey how about we go back to the bus." Andy said to me.

"Okay. Hey Oli wanna come?" I asked him.

"Sure! That would be great!" Oliver said. We all walked over to our tour bus. Everyone's eyes were on me... I didn't like it.

I looked at Bryan then Kylie.

I saw Ash looking at me almost with a pity. I walked back a few steps.

"W-why a-are you l-l-looking at me?" I questioned.

Everyone sort of just mumbled stuff under their breath and looked around.

I looked at Andy who looked angry then I saw Oli just looking at me. He hugged me and whispered in my ear,

"Don't worry baby girl. You'll be okay." He said. Oli released me from the hug.

I ran into the bus and to my bunk.

I grabbed my phone that I left here earlier today. I went into the bathroom and looked at my wrist. I took the case off my phone and there were 12 blades.

I took one blade and made one cut. I made cuts with every single blade I had. The 12th blade I cut my skin writing 'worthless' on my arm.

The blood pored down my arm.

I went into the closet and found pain killers 400mg. I took 5 of them. I laid on the ground with my arm still bloody.

"Sky! Sky open the door! Sky let us in!" The voices I couldn't tell whose was who. I started to feel dizzy.

The last thing I remember was someone picking me up and quickly running somewhere everything was black and I couldn't see.


Hey guys I hope you like it! I think this is one of the best chapters yet!!

Tell me what you think!

You can follow my band Fan page account On Instagram: @BandLoverMoshPit

Thanks for reading! ❤️

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