Chapter 3: Love Struggles

Comenzar desde el principio

Inside, the building was beginning to see wear and tear. The walls of the three elevators were ripping, leaving some sections where just planks of wood could be seen. It had been repaired and fixed on multiple occasions, only to be rendered back to its dismal shape after St. Patrick's Day celebrations year after year. The school just decided to leave it as is. It functioned fine, it was safe, and it was still among the fastest elevators on campus—zero to seven real quick.

Luke would always take the elevators. He lived on the seventh floor. It had a nice view of the Metro, D.C.'s rapid transit system, as it sped parallel to the easternmost edge of campus, although Luke would argue that "rapid" wasn't a fitting adjective for the Metro. Luke opened the door to his room, 703, and found Alex and Gio on the couch playing video games.

"Holy shit you're alive!" Alex stood up quickly. "We thought you died in the fire."

Gio expressed a sigh of relief and got up to hug Luke, "Thank God you didn't. I don't think I could've lived with myself knowing we left you behind."

"Me too," Alex said as he joined the group hug and crushed Luke and Gio.

"Alright, glad you guys care so much for me, now let me go," Luke squealed.

When they set him free, Luke turned to them and asked, "Is Kev here?"

Gio nodded, "Locked up in his room. Be careful going in, he may be..."

Alex finished his sentence by touching his privates. Luke turned away and gagged, "Don't, that's gross."

Luke turned to head to his room and Alex called him back, "Don't think you can just walk away without telling us where you've been. Only news we heard was that you were taken away by an ambulance along with some other girl."

"Well I'm okay now. Just some minor smoke inhalation."

"Who was the girl we heard you saved?" Gio asked.

"Some red head called Nellie."

"Was she hot?" Alex asked as the door to the suite swung open. Standing at the doorway was Alex's girlfriend Jenny. Jenny was a skinny short girl who probably didn't weigh pass a hundred pounds. She had long blond hair and wore excessive amounts of eyeliner and lipstick. "Hey guys. Alex can I speak to you for a moment."

Alex grudgingly stood up and pleaded like a child, "Do we have to? Why can't we talk out know where there are witnesses."

Jenny said nothing and just walked into his single. She opened the door and stood by it waiting patiently. Alex sighed and trudged his way to his room. Once inside, Jenny closed the door behind him.

Gio changed the TV source settings to cable and raised the volume.

Fox news blared in the background, talking about the recent flooding crisis in New York City. The news anchor's voice was fighting with the muffled ruckus going on in Alex's room.

"You said you were busy," Alex's muffled voice reached Luke and Gio in the living room.

"That doesn't mean you go without me you dick!" Jenny mouthed off.

A loud bang rumbled from the room. Gio shook his head and reached for the remote, "For a tiny girl, she's feisty."

"You think we should do something?" Luke asked.

Gio raised up the volume on the TV, "Nah, don't bother. It's just young love. It'll end up in sex anyway. Don't cock-block him."

Glass shattered inside Alex's single. "There better not be another woman!"

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