24. Serious Talk

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"Can we talk?" I asked, looking over at Drew.

As usual, he was strumming away at his guitar and I was sat on my bed beside him, reading. That had become our routine, being together without actually socializing with each other.

Honestly it was one of my favourite things to do. Being around Drew always made me feel safe.

"Sure." He replied, putting his guitar down in front of him to give me his full attention.

I turned to face him and took a deep breath.

"What's going on between us?"

I finally asked the question that had constantly been on my mind.

Drew cleared this throat, obviously caught off guard by my bluntness.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I sighed, he knew exactly what I meant.

"We're constantly together, you sleep in the same bed as me, you're always there for me." I explained.

Drew signed, I think he knew that we were going to have this talk soon, but he still wasn't prepared.

"And we kissed." I added, my mind going back to that magical day at the park.

He grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers, and I scooted closer to him on instinct.

"I really like what we have going on right now." He told me, looking down at our hands.

I nodded in agreement, "I do too, but I'm confused. I want to know what you're thinking and feeling about this, about me."

Drew looked into my eyes, a battle going on in his own.

What if he didn't see me as anything more than a friend?

Did I want him to see me as more than a friend? Did I want something more than a friendship with him?

"I don't want to mess this up Cora." He admitted, his eyes leaving mine and focusing on the wall behind me.

I sighed, he had a point. We had something really special, even if it was confusing, and I didn't know what I'd do if something happened between us that ruined what we already had.

"I've never done the whole relationship thing. I don't know if I'd be any good at it." He added a few moments later.

My heart skipped a beat. Did that mean he was considering a real relationship with me?

"I haven't either." I told him, this was as new to me as it was to him.

"You've been hurt so much Cora. I don't want to add to that." He muttered, meeting my eyes again. I could see the fear swirling in his clear blue orbs.

"Isn't that risk up to me?" I asked.

The more we talked about this, the more I realized that I wanted to be more than friends with Drew. My mind kept going back to the kiss, it felt so right. It would be nice to kiss him whenever I wanted to.

"Let's keep doing what we're doing for now."

My heart dropped at his suggestion. Maybe he didn't want to be more than friends. Maybe I was too damaged for him.

"Oh, okay." I mumbled, trying and failing to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

He gently squeezed my hand, "It's not that I don't want to go further with this thing that's going on between us, it's just not the right time. You're being threatened and we need to figure that out before we can worry about us."

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