12. I Meant To Say That Out Loud

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Two weeks later

"Are you ready to go?" Drew asked.

"Go where?" Sky questioned before I got a chance to answer.

"To the music room. We have a project." I spoke up when Drew opened his mouth to answer.

I didn't want anyone to know that Drew was taking me home for winter break. I knew that would just cause a million questions to be fired my way.

"Oh, well I won't keep you guys from practicing then, my mom is here anyway. Goodbye, have a good break." Sky replied and waved as she walked away.

"A project?" Drew asked when Sky was out of ear shot, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"I just don't want anyone to know you're the one taking me home." I answered.

Hurt flashed across Drew's eyes, so quickly I almost missed it. Did I offend him?

"I just don't want to answer all the questions. Everyone probably assumes that my aunt is picking me up." I explained. The last thing I wanted was for my ride to get mad at me and decided not to take me home anymore.

"So are you ready to go?" He asked again, changing the subject.

I fixed the duffle bag strap on my shoulder, thankful that Sky didn't ask why I had it if I was going to the music room, and nodded, "All packed and ready to go."

Without a word Drew started walking away, presumably to his car, and I followed in tow.

We were walking in a comfortable silence when out of nowhere Drew stopped and turned on his heels to face me, causing me to almost walk right in to his chest.

"So where do you live anyway?"

I guess we never discussed the details. After Drew offered to drive me home, we never really talked besides him asking me if I was okay every day.

The fact that he actually kept his word about asking really surprised me. I thought he would've forgotten about it after a couple days.

"I live in Beaufort, it's six hours away." I answered, suddenly nervous that he was going to back out of giving me a drive. He probably thought I lived somewhat close to the school. What if he didn't want to drive that far?

"I know where that is, my parents took me a few times when I was younger." Drew said, taking me by surprise. Beaufort was a very small town, not many people knew it existed.

Once we were settled in the car and on the highway, Drew turned the radio on.

Believer by Imagine Dragons started blaring out of the speakers at an unreasonably loud volume and I jumped so high in my seat I almost hit my head on the roof.

"Sorry, I'll turn it down." Drew apologized and reached for the volume dial.

"It's fine, I love this song." I told him before he could change the volume.

He nodded in approval, obviously happy that I didn't want it turned down.

An Imagine Dragons fan huh? I thought he'd only listen to that popular rap music every cliche jock liked.

"I hate rap." Drew suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts. I swear he could read my mind.

"You say things out loud instead of thinking them a lot." He explained when I gave him a confused look.

"I meant to say that out loud." I said defensively.

He shook his head in amusement, "Sure."

What a jerk.

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