17. Corey VS Andrew Part Two

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After the dorm incident took place, the remainder of Christmas break flew by uneventfully. I spent every day hanging out with Matt or avoiding Drew, and every night uncovering all of Cecelia and Trevor Bates' biggest scandals. Fortunately for me there was a few juicy things I'd be able to use against them.

Now it was Monday morning, first day back to class, and I was trying to get a very grumpy Sky out of bed.

"C'mon Sky, we need to leave soon, you don't want to be late do you?" I said for the second time.

"I hate you." She grumbled, but dragged herself out of bed nonetheless.

I sat on my bed and waited for Sky to get dressed, quickly running over my plan for this weekend. Saturday morning I'd get on a bus and go back to Drew's parent's house and demand that they tell me how they knew my parents. And when they refused, I would start spilling all their secrets and threaten to go to the rival company of Trevor's business with all the dirt on them. They'd surly cave and tell me what they knew, a stuck up couple like them wouldn't want their biggest competitor to have something to use against them.

Sky exiting the bathroom broke me out of my thoughts.

"How do I look?" She asked, twirling around so I could see her whole outfit. Her light blonde hair was up in a perfectly messy bun, and she was wearing a baby blue t-shirt dress that made her eyes pop. She looked effortlessly beautiful.

"You look stunning as usual, I hate that you can look that good in just ten minutes." I told her honestly.

"Thanks girlie, you look great too. Now let's get out of here before we're late!" Sky said as she opened our door and stepped out into the hallway.

As we walked to our first classes Sky told me about a date her boyfriend back home took her on.

"He rented a projector and we watched a walk to remember and then just looked at the stars. It was so romantic. Garrett is the best boyfriend in the world." She gushed, love and affection shining in her eyes as she spoke.

That did seem like a really amazing night.

"I'm glad you're happy, he sounds great." I told her as we arrived at where we had to go our separate ways.

"Thanks, he really is. I'll see you at lunch." She said as a goodbye, and I gave her a quick wave before starting my hike up to my first class. It was bad enough that I had math first period, but was it really necessary to make it on the fourth floor?

By the time I got to the door of the class I was practically wheezing. I should really start getting serious about Matt training me, I needed to get into better shape.

When I entered the class I was surprised to see Matt and Cody already in their seats, five minutes early. They usually showed up late or just as the bell rang.

"Hey guys, why are you here so early?" I asked as I flopped down at the desk beside Matt.

"What? We can't be good students and be in class on time? Cora why must you think so low of us?" Cody dramatically asked, placing a hand over his heart like I wounded him.

I rolled my eyes, that didn't even warrant a reply from me.

"How was your break?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"Super duper, I took Jess out at the beginning of break and then went home to see my family for the rest of it." Cody replied, and I caught a small smile on his lips at the mentioned of Jess.

"How'd the date go? Are you hopelessly in love?" I teased, and Matt started making kissy noises.

"Oh shut up, with all the time you two have been spending together I should be making the kissy noises at you." Cody playfully shot back.

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