3. Baboons

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The first day of classes for me.

Also known as the day I'd walk around the school aimlessly and embarrass myself by getting to class fifteen minutes late.

Sky showed me where all my classes were yesterday, but that didn't mean I remembered how to get to them. I couldn't explain how big this school really was.

First period I had math, great way to start the day huh? And to make matters worse it was up on the forth floor, but that was as much as I know about it. I had no idea which hallways to go down, or how the room numbers worked, so I was just winging it.

As I looked for room 487 I tugged on my shirt and sighed. I wanted to look nice today to make a good first impression on all the people I hadn't already met, but I was regretting my outfit choice now.

I was wearing a white tank top under an open maroon cardigan, black leggings, and my favourite maroon converse.

What I hadn't anticipated was for the school to be so cold today. My thin cardigan did nothing to protect me from the icy air, and I was shivering lightly. I found out after Sky and I left this morning that the heat was broken and would, thankfully, be fixed later today. But for now I had to freeze my butt off. Of course the heat would break when it was the middle of November.

485, 486, 487!

It was about time I found my class! I was already six minutes late.

Just as I was about to open the door two bodies were pushed up beside me, one on either side.

I looked up and saw Matt and Cody, Drew's little minions, smiling evilly down at me.

I tried to push them away but they didn't budge. I saw them smirk at each other over my head, and then they opened the door and dragged me into class.

"Matt, Cody, what a pleasure it is that you've graced us with your presence." A tall male in his mid thirties, most certainly the teacher, greeted sarcastically.

"Hey Mr. O!" Cody said excitedly. I don't think he caught on to the teacher's sarcasm.

"And who's your friend?" Mr. O asked when he saw me.

"This here is the new girl Cora. We were on our way to class when we saw her walking towards an exit. So we did the right thing and brought her here with us." Matt explained.

"Hey! Thats no-"

"We couldn't have little Cora here skipping her first day of classes, now could we?" Cody spoke up, cutting me off.

"Well Cora, I don't know what your last school was like but here we don't encourage skipping. Usually you'd get detention if you're caught, but since it's your first day I'll let it slide." Mr. O reprimanded me.

I opened my mouth to tell my side of the story but Matt placed his hand over my mouth and dragged me to a seat at the back while Mr. O nodded in thanks and Cody nodded back.

Those jerks! I bet Drew put them up to that. Now the teacher thought I was a skipper that mouths off to teachers.

Matt gently pushed me down into a chair and sat on my right while Cody sat on my left.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, silently fuming. They had no right to lie like that. When I saw Drew I was going to kill him!

"A bird's gonna poop on your lip if you keep pouting like that." Cody suddenly said.

I gave him a 'what the hell' look but didn't reply because knowing my luck the teacher would catch me talking.

"Shut up Cody, I can see steam coming out of her ears." Matt joked.

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