1. Stupid Rich School

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I just arrived and I already hated this stupid school. It was huge and rich and perfect and stupid.

"Look at how clean the floors are!" Aunt Maria exclaimed. She'd been going on and on about how great the place was since we stepped out of the car. If she liked it so much, why didn't she just enroll here and I could go back to live in our house?

"The windows are so clear." She went on.

I scoffed and quickened my pace. We'd been walking around for half an hour and still hadn't found the reception office. I bet if she stopped fangirling over the floors we would've found it by now. All I wanted to do was get my school schedule and dorm room so I could sulk and sleep.

"You're never going to make any friends with that scowl on your face." Maria commented, talking about something other than the school's appearance for the first time since we arrived.

I was about to reply with something sarcastic, but the words died in my throat when I saw a door with the word 'reception' above it. I practically ran to it, only stopping when I was at the door so I could compose myself. As much as I didn't want to be here, I still needed to make a good first impression. I wouldn't want to start off at a new school with the staff hating me.

I was already in the office when Maria reached me, and I could practically feel her disapproving glare burning two holes into the back of my head.

Sorry I left you behind. Not!

"Hi sweetie, how can I help you?" The secretary behind the desk asked politely.

"My name is Cora Steele and I'm new here." I replied, giving her a shy smile as my eyes landed on the name plate in front of her, which said Mrs. Catherine.

"Oh yes, I've heard lots about you." She remarked, rummaging through her desk for my schedule and dorm information as she spoke.

"All good things I hope." I replied, making small talk as I waited.

She handed over my schedule and dorm key, "Of course! I've heard about what you can do, it's all the staff has been talking about. We've been very excited for you to come."

"Thank you." I muttered quietly, taking in everything she said.

The staff had been talking about me? Surly what I could do wasn't that impressive. There were students far more talented than me here.

"Your dorm is in the music wing, number 114." She told me, smiling warmly.

"Thanks, it was nice meeting you." I replied, making my way back towards the door.

"You too Cora, welcome to Jefferson Academy."

I gave her one last smile before pushing through the door and walking back into the empty hallway. It was kind of strange for such a big place to be so empty, but it was eleven o'clock in the morning on a Friday, so everyone was in class.

"We should head to your dorm." Aunt Maria suggested, scaring the living daylights out of me. For one blissful moment I forgot she was here.

I nodded in agreement and started towards a convenient school map that was on the wall beside the reception door.

Music wing, oh music wing, where is the music wing? I sang in my head as my eyes scanned the map. Oh would you look at that, it was all the way on the other side of the school. Splendid!

I immediately started marching in the direction of my new room, trusting that my aunt would follow, and sure enough a moment later I heard her heels click against the floor as she jogged to catch up. I could tell she wasn't impressed with me, even without looking at her, but I also knew she wouldn't say anything since I was in a bad mood.

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