18. Answers And Promises

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My anxiety level skyrocketed when the taxi pulled into the Bates' driveway.

It was Saturday, the day I decided to get the answers I deserved. And like planned, I took the bus down here this morning, and then took a cab to Drew's parent's house.

I quickly paid the driver and stepped out of the car.

This was it, I was finally going to get answers.

As I nervously walked up to the front door I thought about my family, how much I messed them, and the fact that they were ripped away from me. That was enough for anger to take over my anxiety and give me the confidence to ring the doorbell.

A few seconds later Rufus, the butler, answered the door.

"Cora, what are you doing here?" He asked when he saw me, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"I need to speak to Cecelia and Trevor." I told him, stepping inside without being invited in. Nothing and no one was going to stop me from getting answers today.

"Uh, they're in the living room." Rufus informed me, gently closing the front door and then escorting me to said place.

"We have a visitor." He announced when we entered the room.

Cecelia and Trevor looked our way and the expression on their faces was hilarious. Their eyes were so wide I feared they might pop out, and Trevor's jaw slightly dropped. I was the last person they expected to see.

"Mr. Bates, Mrs. Bates." I greeted them as I took a seat on the couch across from them.

"Hello Cora, what a surprise that you're here." Cecelia said, being the first to gain her composure.

Trevor nodded in agreement.

"It's nice to see you two again." I lied, making conversation before I got into the interesting stuff.

"Likewise. What can we do for you today?" Cecelia responded, her composure now rock solid. Time to make it crumble.

I sat up tall and confident as I said what I've wanted to since I came up with this plan.

"What's your involvement in my parents death?" There was no beating around the bush. I got straight to the point.

The colour drained from Trevor's face and it sounded like Cecelia choked on her spit.

"What ever do you mean?" She asked, again gaining some composure before her husband.

I rolled my eyes, they were going to play dumb I guess. Good thing I had leverage.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. You two started acting strange when you were told my last name, and I overheard you talking in the upstairs hallway after dinner the night I visited." I explained.

"We didn't know your parents." Trevor spoke up, surprising me. It seemed like Cecelia always spoke for the both of them.

"August 15th, 2014. Trevor Bates began an affair with Michelle Rodriguez." I stated, bring up one piece of dirt I found on them.

Their shocked expressions were back and I took advantage of their silence by spilling another secret of theirs.

"March 8th, 2005. Cecelia Bates was caught driving drunk and got charged, although you two spent a lot of money to make it go away. Shall I go on?"

"Why are you telling us these things?" Cecelia demanded.

I scoffed, "You know why. You have information that I want, and I have information that you don't want your company's competitors to have."

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