23. I'll Always Protect You

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The rest of the weekend was spent doing research about the suspicious death of the guy Drew vaguely recognized, Peter Bryerson, and studying for exams.

And the whole week was spent doing said exams.

Now it was the next weekend and there was a weight off my shoulders. I didn't have to worry about exams anymore and we got a week off of school so the only thing I had to focus on was finding out who killed my family.

I also told Drew about when I went back to my house after fighting with him during Christmas break, and the brick being thrown through the window with a message on it.

He wasn't very happy that I waited so long to tell him, and he hadn't left my side much since.

I looked over at Drew now, mindlessly strumming his guitar and humming an unfamiliar tune as I scrolled through web pages on my laptop about Bryerson Tech and Peter Bryerson.

Drew wasn't helping because he was against me risking my life to find out the truth. He couldn't stop me from looking for answers but with him not helping it would take me twice as long to figure everything out.

I understood where he was coming from, if the roles were reversed I wouldn't want him risking his life, but I needed to get justice for my family, even if it was the last thing I ever did.

"What's that song called?" I asked when it ended and he started playing it again.

Drew shrugged, "I don't know."

I smiled and trained my eyes back on my laptop, "It's good."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw his beautiful smile spread across his face, and my heart warmed. I loved that smile.

I took a quick peek at the time on my computer screen and saw that it was 10:20 at night. Damn, Drew was probably going to leave soon.

Usually I wouldn't mind too much, but Sky left today to go home for the week we got off of school, so I was alone in my room every night for the whole break.

A knock at my door pulled me out of my panicked thoughts before they could get out of hand, and I was grateful for the distraction.

Without thinking, I got up from my bed where we were both sat, and answered the door. Only to find that no one was there.

I peeked my head into the hallway to see if I could see anyone retreating but there was no one in sight.

Then an envelope on the ground caught my attention.

Not again.

I quickly scooped it up and locked the door behind me before sitting back down on my bed.

"Again?" Drew asked, but it was more of a statement.

I briefly looked up at him and saw his jaw was clenched in anger as he was glared down at the mail in my hand.

I slowly opened the envelope and took out the note, but that wasn't all that was in there this time.

A picture also fell out.

A picture of me in my dorm room, probably taken from outside my window.

"Oh god." I whispered, terrified by what it meant.

The person threatening had been here, outside my window. Spying on me.

With shaky hands I unfolded the letter and read it.

Do you ever do as you're told? I said to stop looking and what do you do? Try harder to find out who I am!

This is your last warning. I see everything you do, everything you search up. You can't fool me. Stop looking for answers or you're dead.

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