A Clean Break (Chapter 7)

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A/N: Another chapter so soon? I know, I'm shocked too! Enjoy and comment and vote.

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Chapter is un-beta-ed BTW


Chapter Seven

Juliana knew what she had to do, even thought it pained her to do it, she had to. It caused her immense pain to see her best friend suffer from someone that probably didn't give a shit. 

Juliana had a broken Stuart sleeping on her couch, covering him up as she left. 

Soon Juliana found herself in front of Katlyn's apartment duplex. As she was about to knock on the door, she heard the presence of another person at the other side of the door. 

Probably Sebastian, the nerve of her, she was probably fucking him while Stuart had shed tears from her. 

Before she had the opportunity to knock, the door was wretched open to reveal a shirtless Sebastian, looking freshly fucked. 

Sebastian was shocked to see Juliana here at this time of night. 

"What are you doing here?" Juliana spat accusingly. 

Knowing very well that she could see through his bullshit, he tried coming up with a good enough lie to convince her. 

"I was uh... seeing if Stuart was around to uh...see the game! Yah, I came here to see the game." 

"Without a shirt?" Juliana pointed out, Sebastian finally realizing that he forgot to put back on his shirt in the haste to leave quickly as he came in. 

"Leave his alone! He spilled something on it." A vice shot from behind. 


"I thought you went to medical school, not law school. So please refrain from interrogating the poor sap." Katlyn sneered, wondering who on earth was Juliana here at this hour, let alone here of all places. She also wanted to know why the hell Sebastian was still here. 

By the glare that the women were throwing at each other, the only thing he wanted to do was leave. Any other time he would have stayed to see a cat fight unfold, but he knew the consequences in he stayed. As discreetly as he could, he fled the apartment, closing the door as quietly as he could. 

"What the hell do you want?" Katlyn spat. 

"I came to talk to you," Juliana replied. "About why you canceled the wedding off." 

"What's it to you?" Taking a seat as she replied to Juliana. "I would think you of all people would be glad, seeing as one, you despise me, like I despise you. And two, that you're in love with him." 

Juliana gaped at Katlyn. Is it that obvious? 

Katlyn smirked, knowing she was right. 

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Katlyn taunted. "I'm not blind or stupid you know. It's very clear that you Juliana Contreras are in love with Stuart. How does it feel, huh? To see his marry me?" She laughed, not taking any consideration toward Juliana's feelings. 

"This is not about me," Willing herself not to cry and let Katlyn have the satisfaction of seeing her break down. "This is about Stuart." 

"So, why should I take Stuart back? I bet he came crying to you. Pathetic.  

He said some hateful things to me, something that he shouldn't have said to his so called fiancé." 

Juliana attempted to sit down, but before she could, she was interrupted. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2011 ⏰

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