A Clean Break (Chapter 6)

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A/N: And I'm back. Yah, I feel bad, I haven't uploaded in forever. Hope this pleases you for the time being. Unfortunately, this chapter is un-beta-ed. I will be editing the previous chapters as well, well I have them fixed up, but I'll be replacing the previous chapters of the beta-ed ones. Rest assure that no drastic changes will be made, just some spelling and grammar is all. I'll be posting the next chapter of Summer Love ASAP. Enjoy. Comment and vote please. I'm futuremrsrpatzz on twitter. Follow me for teasers and news regarding Summer Love and A Clean Break. Also go read my new fanfic called An Eye For An Eye, you can find it on my fanfic account. Link on my profile. I might post it here, but I doubt it. It's posted on my FFn account and my TWCS account as well, and hopefully my Twilighted account is they validate it. Sorry for the long A/N and enjoy!

The three asterisks indicate the beginning and end of a flashback.


Chapter Six: Defeat and Conflictions

When Juliana woke up from her drunken state, she regretting getting so wasted as she did last night. Gawd, am I tuning into a bloody alcoholic now?

As if realization finally dawned on Juliana, she came to the conclusions that Stuart wasn't worth it. If Stuarts rejection, or lack of rejection- at least if he rejected her, then it would of meant that he cared about her more as a friend right?-caused her health to diminish, then he's not worth it.

What kind of Medical graduate drinks to oblivion. I'm a doctor now! I should know better. Screw Stuart and his cheating no good bloody fiance!

That was a lie, and Juliana knew that, of course she was still in love with Stuart. She's convinced she'd always be, but for her own health, Juliana was going to try to get over Stuart. It's for my own good.

And that's how Juliana found herself making the decision to move to San Diego to complete her residency. She'd already talked to her landlord. All the preparations were set. In about a months time, Juliana would hopefully say good bye to New York and Stuart for good.

Sure Juliana wasn't all convinced that moving to a new city would help her, but she had to at least try.

Juliana let her mind travel to the first time she discovered Katlyn's cheating ways. She beckoned the distraction, anything to get her mind off of Stuart.


Juliana had just pulled up to this new bar in downtown New York, She was suppose to meet with her long time friend Gibby. She sat on the bar and ordered a drink. As she waited for Gibby to show up, she let her eyes roam over the premises, sipping on her rum and coke as she did so. What she saw almost made her spit out her drink.

There stood Katlyn in the arms around another man, not just any guy, but Sebastian. Stuart's best fiend and room mate. The two seemed cozy enough, if you call behind closed doors cozy.

Trying not to get caught, Juliana turned around, just as Gibby was to shout out her name. Knowing that it be 50 shades of fucked up if she got spotted by Katlyn, Juliana quickly made her side to Gibby and pulled her to a secluded corner.

"Gibby, you need to be quiet!" Juliana yelled-whispered. Knowing very well that Gibby was never one for discretion.

"What did I do?" Gibby said perplexed. She really needed a drink, and with Juliana going all ninja on her, she knew that a drink wasn't in store for her any time soon.

"Nothing, but look." Juliana uttered as she pointed to Katlyn and Sebastian getting cozy in the corner. "And try to be discrete about it!"

"OMG! Juliana! That's Katlyn with Sebastian? But.. but I thought Katlyn was with Stuart? Then why is she with Sebastian?"

"That's exactly my point!" Juliana replied "Katlyn has been cheating on Stuart for who knows how long!"

"Are you gonna tell him?" Gibby said hesitantly, realizing that Juliana was getting built up over this matter. Gibby always knew that Juliana liked Stuart more that a best friend should. She saw the conflict in her eyes. At that moment Gibby felt sympathetic towards Juliana, knowing very well that she was in a tough situation.

"I... I don't know" Juliana said exasperated. " I mean... I really should, seeing as I'm his best friend, but am I a bad friend if I don't?"


Juliana was knocked out of her reverie but, once again, a knock, well more along the lines of banging at her door.

Juliana opened to door to discover a tear-stricken, and by the looks of it, a brokenhearted Stuart, looking more vulnerable then Juliana has seen him before.


A/N 2: Pictures of Gibby and Sebastian can be found below. And yes, Gibby is a girl, not a guy.





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