Side Story#2

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Back at the orphanage, everything was fine. Well, not really everything. The kids were normal, but their energy seemed to be drained all the time.

Ms. Areum always tried to cheer the kids up and it works. Sometimes. She knew why the kids were acting like that.

It's because Lisa left.

Lisa was the energetic one. Though she's the oldest, she's definitely the most fun and lively. Ms. Areum treated her like her very own daughter. She would've adopted her, but she knows she can't give her everything she needs.

"Ms. Areum? Is Lisa eonni ever coming back for us?" Gina asked as she played with her barbie doll, trying not to chew the head of the poor toy.

Ms. Areum sighed. Even she doesn't know if the blonde girl will ever visit them. "I don't know, too. We just have to wait."

Every kid in the room sighed. They want to see Lisa again. She promised she'll come back and give them ice cream.

Where is she now?

"I'm leaving. Goodbye!" Hyunsik grabbed a long stick with a cloth hanging on its end. It's just like the ones we see on cartoons when the characters are leaving.

Ms. Areum laughed. The kids are so cute especially when they're looking for Lisa.

"Hyunsik, wait! I'm leaving, too!" Gina ran to him and joined him. Soon enough, almost half of the kids were following Hyunsik out of the orphanage.

Ms. Areum shook her head. Their must be a way to make them stay and wait for their dearest friend, Lisa.

She used all ideas she could think of this past week. So how is she gonna make them stay and convince them to wait.

And it hit her.

She can tell them a story!

Not just any story. A real one! A story of waiting and hoping.

She knows where to find them!

From Lisa's pile of letters!

Lisa's been writing letters since she was 4 and Ms. Areum read them all. It's so adorable and touching. At an early age, Lisa's been a good girl. She always thinks of others before herself.

She deserves the world.

But the world wasn't good to her.

It's so sad how most people precious to her... left her. That's why she gets attached to everyone easily. If someone leaves her again, she won't get sad because she has other people to make her happy.

"Hey, kids!" Ms. Areum shouted and all of them looked at her direction. "Let's read a story."

"About what?" One of them asked.

"About Lisa!"

The kids came running to her at a speed of light. Their doe eyes looked up on her as their bodies moved excitedly.

She grabbed a box underneath Lisa's bed and opened it, revealing envelopes of different colors and sizes. The kids looked at it with confusion.

"Is that food?" Gina asked, pointing to the envelopes.

"No. These are important letters made by Lisa." She explained. "We can read it whenever we want just don't damage it."

All the kids gave a thumbs up and Ms. Areum took an envelope. 2014. It's the start of Lisa's teenage years. It may teach a lesson.

She opened it gently, careful of damaging the paper. If this is damaged, she'll feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Let's start reading!" Ms. Areum said and all the kids sat on the floor except for Gina who sat beside her to take a peek at the letter.

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