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a/n: merry christmas!!!  (gosh, i'm late)

   “hey, lisa!”

  “wahh~~mommy!” she accidentally dropped her bottled water and made quite a huge mess. the edge of her pants were soaking wet and her shoes were too.

  “oh, sorry! i didn't--”

  “taehyung!” lisa screamed his name and before taehyung could respond, lisa already ran towards him and hugged him. but the momentum from her run made both of them stumble.

   taehyung fell to the floor with his butt landing first. lisa kept giggling

   “miss me that much?” taehyung chuckled. lisa sniffed his shirt as her eyes sparkled with so much amazement.

   “not really.” she continued sniffing taehyung “you smell good! just like strawberries! what perfume did you use?”

   “strawberries? what the?”

   “yeah! i want your shirt! give it to me!” lisa said as she giggles and plays with the ends of taehyung's red polo shirt.

   before they could initiate a real conversation (and before lisa thinks of stealing taehyung's shirt), jungkook comes out of nowhere, holding a glass of orange juice.

   he was not surprised of the current situation taehyung and lisa are in. although they just met each other, jungkook already knows that lisa is very prone to these kind of situations.

   "hi!" lisa waved her hand but then lost her balance causing her and taehyung to be in a more awkward situation.


   "i was only gone for 3 minutes and then i come back seeing you like this. you're unbelievable!" jungkook shook his head "and the ends of your pants are wet!"

   "sorry." lisa made a peace sign and then stood up while fixing her bonnet "i dropped the bottle."

   taehyung fixed his shirt first and helped himself up. his hair was pretty messy but it just adds to his appeal.

   "i'm gonna go." taehyung turned his back and left the both of them. he was kinda afraid of jungkook's deadly stare. the kind of stare that jungkook gives only when he's about to punch someone or worse.

   "taehyung~~" lisa pouted and looked at taehyung who's slowly walking away from them "i still need your shirt!"

   "later!" he replied

   "what shirt? what are you two up to, huh?" jungkook asked in confusion.

   "his shirt smells good! it smells like strawberries." lisa said dreamily "please use the same perfume as him so i could smell you all day!"


   "but it'll suit you and--- wow! is that for me??" lisa noticed the glass of orange juice that jungkook is holding and took it without saying anything more.

   lisa drank the juice with her 2 hands holding the glass. some of the liquid were dripping from the glass and wetting her shirt. jungkook couldn't help but laugh.

   “yum!” lisa finished drinking and gave the glass back to jungkook “where is rose unnie?”

   “why are you looking for her?” jungkook asked as he placed the glass on a nearby table.

   “i don't know. i just want to see her. her hair really smells good, i wanna smell it again!”

   jungkook sighed. he has no idea why he even chose her to be his date in the first place.

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