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   jungkook's pov

   shit! shit! shit! i knew this would happen! ughh, why did i even let her wander?

   mom's gonna kill me. seriously! lisa is missing. it's only been a few minutes but she's already gone. where the heck is she?!

   i went to the counter. there were 2 people there. maybe one of them knows where lisa is.

   “umm... excuse me but have you, by any chance, saw a girl with blonde hair. she's about 5'5 and she was wearing a white shirt.”

   “oh! yes.” one of them said which made my eyes lit up “she seemed lost. i thought she was going to ask for directions.”

   “where did she go?”

   “she went out, sir.” she pointed to the exit “and she was with a guy. probably her boyfriend or something.”

   “what?!” i shouted and everyone stared at me. it took a couple of minutes before they continue what they were doing.

   i quickly stormed off the shop, not minding the judgmental looks i was receiving. they can judge for all i care.

   mom's gonna kill me if i don't find her soon. where could she be?


3rd person's pov

   lisa didn't know why he followed him in the first place. she doesn't even know if he was telling the truth a while ago.

   should i escape?  she thought but it was too late. she doesn't know how to go back to the shop.

   “jungkook's probably worried, i should've asked permission.” she quickly realized her mistake and tried to walk back but a hand reached for hers gently which stopped her.

   “mehh...he probably won't notice. besides, you're with me. nothing could go wrong.”  he assured

   “so... how did you know jungkook? are you really his friend?” she asked since the guy introduced himself as someone very close to him.

   “yes, i'm his friend. i forgot to introduce myself. my name's taehyung. kim taehyung.” he extended his hand for a handshake.

   “nice to meet you, taehyung.”

   taehyung's pov


   i'm so surprised. earlier, jungkook texted me about having a sister. i thought that his mom gave birth or something but turns out... his sister is adopted. that really surprised me. he's so lucky. i'm stuck with 2 guys (my brothers). i always wanted a little sibling.

   i actually didn't know anything about her but it was a coincidence that jungkook and i were at the same place at the same time. he was also buying clothes.

   that's when i saw her.

   i didn't know if she was the girl that jungkook was talking about but then i quickly remembered jungkook's description.

   blonde hair, tall, big eyes, long legs

   that was when i realized that it was really her. the description suits that girl very well.

   i dunno what happened but i somehow followed her all the way to the girl's section. she looked and seemed lost so i quickly approached her.


   “umm...hey! d-do you need something? i'll be glad to help you.” she smiled

   aww, very sweet.

   "yes. actually, you can. i'm one of jungkook's friend. are you his new sister?”

   she hesitated to speak for a while but then smiled afterwards “y-yes, i am. my name's lisa.”

   “i know.” that sounded pretty creepy. i hope i didn't scare her.

   minutes passed by and the atmosphere was starting to get awkward. lisa keeps fiddling the hems of her shirt.

   “so... do you wanna like.. hangout? i know a nearby ice cream shop here. my treat.”

   “but, jungkook is still here. i'm not suppose to go out with some random stranger.”

   “i'm v, jungkook's best friend. 19 years old and i live 6 blocks away from you.” i smiled “so, am i still a stranger?”

   “um... i guess not.” she chuckled “as long as you're my brother's friend then i'm fine hanging out with you.”
   well, that was fast. geez, i convinced her just like that? i guess she's really that innocent just like jungkook said.

   “but wait.... is 'v' really your name? that's quite short.”

   “no. you'll know the real one later.” i started to walk towards the exit and as expected, she followed me.

   this will not take long. i know jungkook, he shops like a girl. it takes him hours just to find the perfect outfit. lisa will get bored if she waits for him.

   plus, i'm very lonely right now. my hyungs are not around so why not hang out with a girl instead?

exams are over. bless~~~

but i still need to finish 4 projects. it's due on monday.


don't worry, i didn't forget about my books. i will update soon.

happy birthday, jimin ❤❤❤❤❤

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