"The others will take care of him," Satoshi readily replied, not turning back even once to face you. His dead set eyes glued themselves on the red ditto corridors beyond his holographic screen, corner after corner, and with the steep amount of unwavering focus he was demonstrating, you knew it would be futile to utter another protest. You merely followed and poured every bit of your own attention into making sure you didn't stumble and delay along the way.

The adorable smile once plastered on his visage was gone; that cheeky demeanor vanished, masked instead by metal and technology and a heavy sense of duty.

It was like Satoshi became a completely different person.

Or perhaps you just saw a side of him he put on for show.

Is everything you know a lie?

A loud whirring cut through the air and then strong repetitive gusts of wind blew your hair back over your shoulders, all the while forcing to shut your eyes, allowing for Satoshi to blindly lead you across the stone platform and into the arms of even more blue-uniformed people.

"Is the princess alright?"

"We heard you over the com. We're lucky you got to her in time."

"I have word from Commander Dingle to evacuate the princess from here as soon as possible. Let's go quickly."

"W-wait!" you cried out and offered little resistance, struggling to break free from Satoshi's stiff grip. "My friend Genji is still in there! Y-you have to save him, he's badly wounded!"

"Our duty is to get you out of here, your highness." A stern young woman with a square jaw stepped forth, disconcerted with the blonde wisps of hair fluttering madly about her vision. "The Emperor will have our asses handed to us if you come home with so much as a cut; hopefully none of that--" she began to gesture to your bloodied dress, "--is yours. As for your friend, there's nothing we can do for him. The others will handle everything else."


"Princess, this is a matter of national security. We have to go now."

In your helplessness, knowing the straight line of defeat where it began, you cast your eyes down, sagging limply in their arms as the uniformed staff guided you into the back seat of the helicopter. Beads of tears fell onto your lap the very moment you sat down, and the streams didn't stop flowing, no matter how much you willed yourself to clamp your mouth shut and stop the frantic sobbing from reaching other people's ears. You were no fool: Surely they must have heard the sound of your anguish amidst the loud, rapid spinning of the propellers up ahead. Thankfully the crew only cast their eyes away, trying just as hard to attend to their work and leave you be, giving you your little bubble of privacy in the cramped and dim space.

The moment you stopped running for your life, the moment you stopped thinking about

You clamped your hands over your mouth, your palms wetting with the fast flowing tears--tears that showed just how much you grieved for the sudden shattering of the fulfilling relationship you had with the clan leader. Never has it crossed your mind that he'd be capable of such crude and morbid executions, and direct it towards his own blood brother Genji!

When has it ever gone so far downhill that Hanzo would resort to this?

Sure the empire he led built its wealth and prestige upon the countless murders and drugs and other illicit actions carried out through the many centuries that passed...but still this--

You thought Hanzo would do better, that he would be better.

It got you thinking if you actually, truly loved Hanzo...or if perhaps you only chose to see him in your own light, that you fell instead for the idea of how you wanted him to be.

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