Houses And Their Laughter

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Gryffindor: Loud and rumbling, like thunder. It's a sound that can be heard from rooms away, a sound that makes your heart warm. Gryffindor laughter is long and heavy, followed by the flash of a smile and the glint of shining eyes. It lingers, even when a room has faded to silence, and it remains like a single flickering candle, as a symbol of warmth and hope, even after the lights have gone dark.

Ravenclaw: Quick and fleeting, like a shooting star. It's a sound that's often lost to the din of conversation, buried quickly under words. Ravenclaw laughter is a sound to wish on, a gentle promise that draws away tears and urges smiles. It's clear but short, a spark, a flicker, but even after it has faded back to conversation, to stories, to silence, its call continues to resonate through memories like the gentle whisper of a ringing bell.

Hufflepuff: Explosive and joyful, like fireworks. It's a sound that turns heads, a sound that causes others to stifle giggles before succumbing to laughter as well. Hufflepuff laughter is full and round, filling a room like music and thrumming through the blood. It pulls others in, pushing away dark feelings like a warm hug or the sun peeking out from behind the clouds, and it fills the air so that there's nothing anyone can do but smile.

Slytherin: Breathy and soft, like the wind. It's a sound that carries on long after the moment's over, a sound that pretends to mirror the crashing of waves. Slytherin laughter is quick to transform, like the wind, it crescendos quickly into a howl, so sharp and precise that tears form from laughing too hard. It's a two sided coin, and it's a game of chance to see which laugh appears, but both sides are a true sign of joy.

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