There Are..

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There are Gryffindors who spend hours in the morning perfecting their makeup. Whose high heels click as they walk down the sidewalk. There are Gryffindors who love asking questions. Gryffindors who like to paint and wear flowy skirts. There are Gryffindors who sing and play the violin, and there are Gryffindors so terribly tone deaf that people ask them to be quiet. There are Gryffindors who study ancient history and Gryffindors who are afraid of heights. There are Gryffindors who get lost easily and Gryffindors who are easily carsick. Gryffindors who think before they speak and those who say the first thing that comes to mind. There are Gryffindors who love wearing necklaces and bracelets and Gryffindors who doodle on their bare arms whenever they get bored, but no matter what, they are Gryffindors to the core.

There are Ravenclaws who sleep for hours on end beneath a cocoon of blankets. Who wear socks that don't match and drink too much coffee. There are Ravenclaws who slam books down with frustration. Ravenclaws who love running, and hikes, and physical activity. There are Ravenclaws who don't understand chemistry, and there are Ravenclaws who can explain the science behind black holes as though it was the plot to their favorite movie. There are Ravenclaws who love wearing combat boots and Ravenclaws who adore jewelry. There are Ravenclaws who chew their nails when they're nervous and Ravenclaws with perfect manicures. Ravenclaws who trip over their own feet and those who walk with certain poise. There are Ravenclaws who wear cozy sweaters to evade the cold and Ravenclaws who marvel at snowflakes, but despite their differences, they always know that they are Ravenclaws.

There are Hufflepuffs who sport skinned knees and scabbing knuckles. Who know how to throw a punch and aren't afraid of starting a fight. There are Hufflepuffs who love diamond earrings and red lipstick. Hufflepuffs who stay up until 2 AM reading. There are Hufflepuffs who hide in the corners during social interactions, and there are Hufflepuffs who won't bat an eye at being the center of attention. There are Hufflepuffs with tattoos snaking down their arms and Hufflepuffs who can't stand waiting in line. There are Hufflepuffs who collect pressed flowers and Hufflepuffs who are afraid of bees. Hufflepuffs who are always smiling and those who aren't. There are Hufflepuffs who see movies alone and Hufflepuffs who go to coffee shops every day with their friends, but one is never less of a Hufflepuff than another.

There are Slytherins who pluck petals from the daisy stems and giggle at love. Who write poetry about the stars and sunsets. There are Slytherins who are afraid of getting their ears pierced. Slytherins who wear bright colors: greens, and yellows, and pinks. There are Slytherins who cry, and there are Slytherins who will smile through the pain regardless. There are Slytherins who always make sure to perfect their makeup and Slytherins who wear slippers into public. There are Slytherins who names their cats after everyday objects and Slytherins who hate rainy weather. Slytherins who love the sun and those who wish that it were winter. There are Slytherins who wear nothing but t-shirts and Slytherins who wear lace and love to write in cursive, but there is no doubt that they are all Slytherins.

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