Chapter 11

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Lothal a few months later

Thalia had been lucky enough to avoid the Empire's men stationed on Lothal- something that was once unimportant- but survival wasn't easy. The people living on the planet hated her for once being in the Empire, and for all they knew she was still in the Empire, while the Empire was ready to kill her for being a traitor. This was all her father's fault; she didn't even have her weapon. At least the Ghost Crew hadn't shown up either... at least not until today.

"Of course they had to be here today. Of all the times to show up it had to be on a day I needed to stock up on supplies..." She stared at the ship from where she crouched on a roof top. Thalia wasn't sure if they were still in there or if they had left somewhere else but sitting around waiting to find out would mean less time to try finding food and medical supplies- mainly due to the fact the Rebels would likely put everyone in the area on high alert. "Maybe they won't screw this up for me... I doubt they'd recognize me either now."

She shifted back, wincing slightly, before standing and walking to the stairs that would take her down the abandoned house to the streets below. Thalia ignored the faded photos of two children with an old couple and the same couple when they were younger standing with a mischievous looking teen girl. That was a past she didn't remember at this point- or at least only in hazy pieces- and no longer needed to remember either.

No one gave her a second glance when she walked out of the alley with her sandy brown cloak hiding her Imperial symbols, though it also helped to hide the stance that had been drilled into her since starting the academy. Her favorite part of the disguise was of course the hood; it hid her face and allowed her to avoid the sun from getting in her face. Thalia continued to walk casually in the direction of the market where she would get the food; the food always came first unless her wound was really starting to bother her.

The market was busy with people buying, selling, and trading their goods in return for credits or other useful items. Thalia could've traded her remaining weapons and perhaps something from her childhood home for food like some of the people here- or she could've just bought them with credits- but her blaster and knives were the only defenses she had left and it was unlikely there was anything worth trading from her long since raided home. Even just buying credits wasn't a good idea; she wouldn't put it past the Empire to be notified if she tried... That would just get her killed. Stealing was becoming easy though, especially when there were so many people to use to hide in plain sight. All she had to do was be careful a Storm Trooper or other Imperial officer didn't spot her; of course it hadn't happened yet.

She selected her target stall and casually moved in that direction until she was at a busy stall selling scrap ship parts next to the fruit stand that she'd picked out. Thalia bided her time, hanging with the crowd of people as they built up between each stall, and slowly edged closer to the nearest crate of food. Thalia turned slightly to check the area once more before glancing at the man running the stall from under her hood. Once his back was turned she made her move; easily grabbing a few pieces of large fruit from the crate and slipping back into the crowd before anyone could call her out. She looked down at her spoils before hiding them in her cloak and dropping them back off at her 'home'; now it was onto the medical supplies.

It wasn't long before she was crouching in an alleyway behind some trashcans and watching the guards as they stood around. "No wonder the Rebels always manage to raid our supplies so easily. Those idiots are barely paying attention and... are those cadets? I know this is a low risk place but they can't be trained well enough to guard this stuff... even if it isn't that important. Oh well, better for me."

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