Chapter 6

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Kallus finished going through more information his daughter had brought him on his orders. She was bound to be getting suspicious as to why he was asking for all of it, especially considering some of it was very top secret and for the higher ranking officers only. But he needed to get as much as he could from the Empire before they found out who the leak was. They probably didn't suspect they even had a leak yet despite the information the rebels had most likely found in the false tracker he'd placed on their ship. It wasn't much, just what happened on Geonosis along with some shipments the Empire would be making, which they had stopped a week later just as expected, but he was helping a little bit and that meant he was on his way to redeeming himself for what he'd done in the past.

"Agent Kallus." He slid the information deeper under his small regulation pillow before standing to greet Konstantin.

"Yes Commander?" Kallus questioned, a bit concerned for the unexpected visit.

Commander Konstantin shut and locked the automatic door. "We have reason to believe we have a spy on this ship aiding in the rebellion, that rebel cell has been getting the upper hand all too easily recently."

"They always get the upper hand. If you would like, I will go with Agent Thalia and the Inquisitors next time to make sure-"

"Don't give me suggestions." The Commander interrupted, obviously stressed with the current situation. "You will go with them but not to stop the rebels... I want you to watch Agent Thalia; these things have been happening since her arrival, the spy must be her. If it isn't, our mistake, but we had to be cautious... and if it is, like I believe, then she will be dismissed from the Empire. Your relationship to her won't get in the way correct?"

Kallus held himself confidently. "Of course not. She is only an agent to the Empire, nothing more to me."

"Funny, I see her coming in here a lot to talk with you... I've also seen her on the database, proving I'm going to be correct. Don't disappoint me Agent Kallus, and do tell me if you hear or see anything suspicious from her in the meantime. We will be keeping an eye on you as well though, don't think we don't realize you could be helping."

Kallus watched him leave. Well, they knew. Knew part of it at least, they still weren't sure if he was working as a spy or not, but considering the cameras around base it would be easy enough to keep his innocence. Thalia was excellent at hiding the information she stole in a place only he would be likely to find it. He prepared his equipment for the upcoming mission, how was he going to pin this on Thalia and keep her safe? Well, maybe he could bring a third party in... or perhaps blame it on Bridger. Yes, the kid could use the Force so it would make sense that he could also use a Jedi mind trick on someone, especially someone who was guarding him twenty-four seven practically mere weeks ago.

He took the stolen information with him too, putting it in a well-hidden location with his supplies. If anyone were to see the data chips they would just assume they were supposed to be his and nothing out of the ordinary or, once he found the time, they would just see trackers. Kallus walked out of his quarters to find Thalia and ask for details about the upcoming mission, by the loud music playing he could guess she was in her own room... she may as well have a bell collar on at times.

"Thalia?" He knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before realizing she probably couldn't hear him with that racket. "Agent Thalia!"

Kallus shouted twice more before the door opened and he found Thalia dressed and ready to go. "What's up? Hey, why are you packed up like that? Don't tell me Konstantin gave you that mission! That was my mission!"

"No, I'm going with you on the mission as backup against the rebels." He gave her a look. "We wouldn't want them to escape again now would we?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Not at all."

"Good. I expect you to catch me up when we get to the shuttle." He turned away only to feel her spin him back around.

"What are you planning?" There was suspicion in her gaze. "First you tell me to get this information and then I hear there's a spy on the ship... It's you isn't it? You're spying for the Rebellion!"

"I despise those rebels. They go against everything the Empire stands for, why would I help them?" Kallus growled back, of course it would be that obvious to her. "Besides, I don't help people who form friendships with Lasat."

"Really? Then why do you need that information?" Thalia's crossed arms and heated glare told him everything: she didn't believe a word he said. "I work directly with the Sith Lords. If I report you I could work right below them with the highest rank, the youngest ever to exist in that position, all because I turned in my father the traitor. My father the defector... They like it when family turns on each other, especially when it benefits the Empire. But I won't, not yet at least. I'll let you dig yourself out or dig yourself deeper first. It would be a shame for the Empire to lose a good agent."

Did she not love him anymore? Sure she hated the fact he was never around when she was a child but he had been there whenever he was permitted to be. Kallus knew his daughter cared deep down though, if she didn't she wouldn't have checked up on him after arriving and finding out he'd been hurt, not to mention she wouldn't be giving him a second chance to prove his loyalty. "It would. Just watch your back because Konstantin-"

"Wants me dead. Yeah, I know that." Thalia smirked and the tension that had been between them faded. "I hate his guts so of course I'm on his bad side... but hey, that's a teen's job right? To get under the higher up's skin and destroy their authority until they want to strangle you, or is that just what I like to do?"

No, she was spot on. Every teen liked doing that, especially that Bridger kid... Thinking about it, Kallus realized that she could indeed take the two kids in the rebel cell out. His daughter had Imperial training and the mindset of a rebellious child; she could probably put herself in their position easily enough to determine what they could do. "Let's get going on the mission."

"About time old man." She laughed and ran off towards the landing docks.

Hesighed; did she have to call him old? He didn't even have graying hair! She wasonly teasing him though so he wouldn't feel too offended by the jest; in fact,he actually gave a ghost of a smile as he followed her... She was like her mothermore than she realized with that wild personality of hers and for just a secondKallus could imagine it was his dead love, alive and well, walking ahead ofhim. The pair teasing each other like they had in the past until he let herwin... the illusion faded soon after though. The person in front of him was armedfor battle with a weapon his lover would never have used and despite lookinglike her mother, Thalia held herself like he would instead of the more relaxedstance her mother had. 

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