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The paralysis from the Lasat's bo-rifle was wearing off but it was too late to save any of his team and considering the hulking feline form was making its way back over to his limp figure... it might be too late to save himself. Kallus scooted back along the ground, his gaze leaving the dead bodies of his Imperial Squad to stare into the Lasat's cold yellow-green eyes. He gritted his teeth, had he really trained so hard just to be killed by this smelly lump of fur? Anger flooded him, this creature had taken his team and more from him in this one attack, what would happen to his family if it took his life? Kallus reached for his fallen blaster, fully prepared for the Lasat to lunge at him and finish his still recovering body off.

Footsteps ran past him, fur brushing lightly against his armor as the Lasat escaped, leaving him alone with the dead. Kallus raised his blaster up to fire at the enemy but the Lasat was fast and already turning a corner, the mercenary for the rebels had escaped... Kallus gave a growl of his own before putting away his weapon. He limped over closer to the bloodied imperial bodies before slumping to the ground near a female with her throat brutally torn open, he closed her eyes and turned on his communicator.

"This is ISB 0-021, my squad was attacked by a Lasat mercenary... I'm the only survivor but the creature escaped before I could kill it."

"We are sending a retrieval team to get you now, just stay put and don't go after the Lasat." The imperial on the other end instructed before hanging up.

Kallus bowed his head, obediently following the orders despite wanting to kill that Lasat. "I failed all of you... but I'll make sure your lives are avenged one way or another."

Of course there wasn't an answer from the fallen. Day had turned to night by the time help arrived, which meant that Lasat and any possible Rebels with it were long gone. Kallus watched numbly as the reinforcements covered the bodies and loaded them onto the shuttle so they could be sent back to their families, or to be incinerated if they had no one else, but he stopped the man walking over with his hand before taking the cloth and wrapping the woman up himself in a silence that told the others to stay away. Even the trip back held that same chilling quiet as he sat vigil for the blonde, wishing she was still alive to playfully glare at him with steely eyes over how he should've seen the attack coming or some other idiotic move he'd made. It was his fault she was gone... he should've paid more attention to make sure there wasn't going to be an ambush.

By the time he was off the shuttle, once again shrugging off the medic who had tried treating him various times during the flight, Kallus felt cold inside... dead. From now on he would dedicate his life to the Empire and destroy any Lasat or Rebel who could threaten them. The commanders and other high-ranking officers listened in the conference room as he gave his report over the mission, stressing the importance to show the Lasat they couldn't get away with what they had done, before being dismissed. He wanted to stay and listen to what they were debating, to see what their plan of action was over this outrage, but like the trained imperial he was Kallus continued to his living quarters. His body was still aching after the attack but not badly enough for him to consider going to get medical treatment, it was feeling better than it had earlier; he just needed rest.

"Daddy!" A small force hurled into his leg as he opened the door. "You're back! Did you bring anything cool with you again?"

Kallus gave a tired sigh and pulled the little boy off of him before looking back at the girl sitting on the edge of the bed. "How did you two get here?"

The little girl looked at the floor half in anger and half in disappointment. "Mom isn't coming back, is she?"

His lips pressed into a thin line. "You two are supposed to be with your grandparents on Lothal."

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