“That depends. Where are you going?”

“Just out. It’s not a big deal, but promise you won’t tell.”

I moaned, covering my face with my hands. “Fine,” my voice was muffled behind my hands. “I won’t tell. But first,” I added, removing my hands from my face. “You have to promise me that you won’t do anything stupid.”

“Um… I think I can manage that. You’ve got yourself a deal, Adkins. I won’t do anything stupid as long as you keep your mouth shut.”

I nodded once. “Good. I’m glad we’ve reached an understanding. But, um, just be careful, okay? I don’t know where you’re going, or what you’ll be doing, but I don’t want to have to play Nurse Adkins.”

He smiled sadly. “Okay.” He reached out and touched my face, bending down as if he were going to kiss me. Seeming to change his mind—leaving me very disappointed—he kissed my forehead instead. “I’ll see you,” he said once he removed his lips from my forehead.

“You better,” I lightly punch his arm, which got him to chuckle. He may have thought I was joking, but I really meant what I said. And I swear if he comes home with even a scratch on him, I’ll kill the guy that did it to him. I know what you’re thinking: How could I possibly kick someone’s ass when I’m just a weak, nerdy girl? I’ll tell you…

As soon as I think of something.

Andrew gave me a quick peck on my lips, turning to leave. He kissed me so naturally now, like we’re a couple. Honestly, I don’t know what we are, but I do know that we’re much more than friends, yet not quite boyfriend and girlfriend. I don’t know, it’s complicated.

When he disappeared down the stairs and the front door slammed shut, I made my way to the window to see him out. Expecting him to take his own car, I was surprised to see him climb into a black Porsche with dark windows. As soon as the clean car sped away into the night, a new bad feeling came into my stomach. The driver didn’t seem like good news, and I felt very uneasy with Andrew going—wherever they were going—with him. I just really hope more than anything that he remembers the promise he made me.

I haven’t known Andrew long enough to know if he’d be the type of guy to break a promise, but I really hope he isn’t. I’ve never been this worried about anyone before, and it’s making me quite scared. These newfound feelings for Andrew are becoming too much.

He’s a big boy, Hailey. He can take care of himself.

I sighed, telling myself this over and over, hoping that Andrew coming home half passed out and intoxicated was out of the question.

For the majority of that night, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t speak, move, or even properly slide the soft covers over my body properly. My mind wouldn’t stop wandering to Andrew. I was constantly debating whether I should call the police, then thought that was a bit much. Thousands of questions were a never-ending stream of words in my head. Every time I might have an answer for something, another question comes into place. The frustration of it all finally got me to get up and leave my room, sitting against the wall in the hallway. If Andrew was to come back anytime soon, I would know right away. I silently begged for him to come soon.

About two hours later, I heard slow footsteps coming up the stairs, and I jumped up, immediately knowing who it was before I saw his gray t-shirt and dark jeans.

“Andrew!” I jumped up from my position on the floor and threw my arms around his neck, nearly making him fall over. I subtly inhaled, smelling his perfect scent… and something else. Alcohol.

Immediately, I released him and studied his face, which I now noticed was flushed and sweaty. His eyes were slightly red, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. It took me a moment to realize that Andrew—who was now swaying—could barely hold himself up. He must’ve had heaps of the toxic beverages.

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