Chapter 14: Turning the Tide

Start from the beginning

As the last Null trooper fell, a beep came from the console. "We're done here. Captain Amari where is the next defense node?" Reinhardt asked.

"In the courtyard, up ahead. I am marking it on your HUD." Captain Amari responded through the comms channel. 

"One down, two to go." Tracer said as you all exited the garage and passed through the street. Reinhardt lead the group with Torbjorn, Mercy and McCree in front of you as Lena stayed by your side. Looking over at Lena, she was gazing all around her. It kept slipping from your brain that this was her home, you couldn't imagine what was going through her mind from seeing memories that have crumbled or burned. 

"Lena?" She brought her attention to you in an instant. 

"Sorry," she said, "It's just that I've been watching the reports but seeing it here right in front of me...all of those people and what about my friends and-"

You caught her train of thought before it derailed,"Hey, don't think about that. We need you right now, your home needs you right now.  Your friends and your family? Fight for them. Can you do that?"

Lena being Lena, she smiled and nodded with her brave face.  "'Atta girl." 

"Team," Ana said through the comms channel, "Detecting Null Sector activity ahead. Seems like a new omnic."

"Just what the world needed!" Torbjorn said as you went under the archway.  Running into the square, you spotted the next anti-air cannon. But nearby, you saw the new omnic Ana had mentioned as it spotted you while it stood in front of the clock tower. The Super Null Trooper took a stance with it's canon and shield raised in ready.

"Ha! You call THAT a shield?!" Reinhardt shouted at the omnic. The crusader raised his hammer and with a swift strike, sent a wave of fire at the machine, stunning it for a moment. Without hesitating, you saw the engine on his back ignite as he charged towards the automaton, pinning it against a brick wall. 

Backing away from the wall, Reinhardt joined  back with you as you all gathered around the defense node. The computer faced an open space between two walls, beyond that was the armored car where you got your riot gear and up ahead was the church you hid in weeks ago. The drone deployed and begun to hack the second anti-air cannon. 

(Guns-N-Roses- Welcome to the Jungle)

"Hack underway." Captain Amari said. "Team, we are seeing Null Sector forces coming from all directions. Be sure to watch your surroundings." She was right, you were all in an open space that had multiple points of entry. Null Sector could hit you from anywhere.

"We won't let them catch us by surprise, Captain. Tracer! Be sure to soften them up for us. Torbjorn! Keep your turret up. Everyone else? Good hunting!" Reinhardt said to the team.

You stood behind Reinhardt and close to Angela and Lena as you prepared for what you knew was going to be a tidal wave of resistance. "Keep quiet," Dr.Ziegler said, "We don't want to attract any unnecessary attention." Reinhardt faced the open space in front of the defense node and raised his hammer over his head.


Reinhardt got his wish, a cluster of pods came crashing down from above to land in front of the opening. As they rised up to attack, Reinhardt unleashed another fire strike from his hammer. The strike hit and took down most but Tracer blinked behind and took them down for the count. But Null Sector had much more omnics to spare.

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