Chapter 5: Bad Moon Rising

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Edit:AU Note- Sorry for anyone who has read this story recently and House of the Rising Sun didn't play. For some reason it's not responding, so I replaced it with a different video. Don't worry it's still in high quality and it's by the Animals. Also I took this opportunity to add in a piece of dialogue for the pub scene that I forgot to put before I originally posted this chapter. Sorry! The change is after the line: "Small world.")

"This stinks." Tracer said, holding her head up with both of her hands as she sat next to you on the ledge below one of the windows inside the room. Now that she wasn't phasing in and out anymore, you or Angela could walk in and check on Tracer if you needed too. Winston would rarely go in, because he could barely fit through the door. But today, Winston and Angela took the day off from the lab as a reward that was given to  the three of you for all your hard work in curing Lena, so it was just you and her today. You were given time off as well, but decided to use it on a later date.

"Don't worry Lena, it's only for two more days and then you can change rooms." She was still in her special room, even though you knew that she was ready to get an actual room now. It had been three days since you put the Chronal accelerator on her and so far she seemed fine. But to be safe, Tracer was to be kept under observation for five days just to be sure that she really was in the clear.

"I know. It's just that I'm getting tired of sleeping on this cold piece of metal in this cold room."

"Better than the floor and at least we gave you some sheets to lay down on the ledge."

"Still, I can't wait to sleep in an actual bed again."

" You know it's a good thing you can take off the accelerator when you need to and still be here at the same time. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be to try and sleep with that thing on."

"Yeah as long as it's nearby I'll be okay. Which is something I wish you knew before you tackled me."

"Okay in my defense I did not know that. You were starting to disappear and I didn't want you to go through with that again. It was just a heat of the moment kind of thing."

" Don't worry about it. Thanks again anyway. You and Winston saved my life. I'll never forget it."

"By the way, how does it feel so far? Is it too tight? Too loose? Is it acting weird?"

"I think *ccrk ker kuchuk chuu*--"

You widened your eyes to the sounds she was making.

"HaHa! Just kidding (Y/N)!" She said, giving you a jab on the arm."It works great!"

"Good to hear. " you said as you rubbed your arm. She could hit pretty hard for someone her size. "Winston and I worked real hard on it, even though he assembled most of it and drew the schematics for it. So after this has all settled, what's next for you?"Lena leaned back and took a minute to think.

"I don't know really. I'm definitely not flying for a while, but I don't know if the flight test program would even take me back."

"You kiddin'! With the pilot you are, they'd be crazy not to." you said looking at her. She smiled at your remark and you smiled back. She then laid her head against your shoulder and you looked straight ahead as she nestled into your shoulder. It was quiet for a moment.



"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaning against your shoulder. Your just more comfortable than this cold ledge and your so warm, love. What ? Got a personal space problem ?"

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