Chapter 11: Along Came A Spider

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(AU Note: Widowmaker here is armed with her sniper rifle, grappling hook and has her goggles. The goggles can only zoom in and can't see through walls. She's barely starting out as a Talon agent and I'm guessing she hasn't earned her callsign yet at this point in the timeline.)

It has been said that the eyes are the windows into one's soul. They can say that a person is happy, angry, sad, curious and such. You've met many people in your life and seen their eyes, but these particular set of eyes that were upon you at this moment were a different kind that you've never seen before. The bright, yellow eyes that were looking at you pierced through your soul and seemed to have little to no life to them. It was as if these eyes were bright and sparkled on a sunny day, but behind them laid...nothing.

You turned yourself around and slowly began to climb up to the where the woman was. She reached her hand down and pulled you up to her. She looked at you from top to bottom and looked back at your eyes. "You are the scientist? "The woman asked. She had a french accent to her voice. "Monsieur...?"


"Monsieur Doctor?"

"That'd be strange."

The woman thought for a moment, "Maybe. Who am I to judge?"*

"No. It's Dr. (L/N)." She raised a brow at you. "But (Y/N)'s fine too." You said after she gave you a piercing stare.

She looked around the area and held her rifle with both hands, keeping pointed towards the ground. "More Null Troopers will be here soon. We must move to the extraction point. Follow me."She said firmly as she slowly and carefully stepped down the rubble, while you followed her. Although she said that she was here to rescue you, there was still an unpleasant feeling in the London morning air; caution laid in the back of your mind.

As you walked behind the sniper, you opened your bag and got your Overwatch communicator wristband out. The screen was still blank after you tried to turn it on, so you placed it on your left wrist for now to try it again later on. You were hoping to find a message that would explain who this agent was. You never saw her on base before and neither in any news reports. Overwatch wouldn't send a recruit as the sole rescuer to get you back, maybe she was from another base. Also her outfit didn't match the blue uniforms that agents wore. Blackwatch, maybe?

"So...Overwatch sent you, huh?"

She looked back as she kept walking and turned her head forward. "Yes." She said to break the silence.

"Hm. But your uniform? It's not like the ones other agents wear."

" Blackwatch. I was sent to retrieve you under the orders of Commander Reyes." She firmly followed with your question as she kept looking ahead. You looked at her left shoulder to see that she had a Blackwatch patch at the top of the arm sleeve. "Okay. What's your name?" You asked. She didn't answer. "Do you have a name?" You asked again.

"Does it matter?" She asked with a bit of irritation to her voice.

"Well I either call you by your name or I just call you sniper lady who really needs a tan?" You asked with cheeky smirk on your face.

She was quiet for a moment as you both continued to walk. "Amelie."

"Well it's nice to meet you Amelie. So, where we goin'?" You asked while you walked behind Amelie with both hands in your pockets.

"The extraction point." She said with annoyance.

"Okay. Where's that?"

" On the rooftop of a building not far from here."

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