Chapter 10: Last one out, lock the door!

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King's Row


Day 13 of the King's Row Uprising

9:48 P.M.

The streets of King's Row were empty and void of any people. Any of the living that remained were in hiding or captured by Null Sector. For the only souls that wandered the streets at the moment were (Y/N) and Jacques. The frenchman peaked his head around the corner of the alleyway they were in and spotted a small patrol of Null troopers up the street. They weren't heading their way, but it wasn't exactly easing to see. Jacques turned his head around towards (Y/N), who was messing with one of the signal scramblers that Null Sector had built into one of the buildings to block any outgoing transmissions.

"Hurry up!" He whispered with urgency.

(Y/N) turned his head toward Jacques. "Look. You wanna do this? Be my guest."* The young scientist told him. "Trust me, this is not something you want to rush. Any wrong move could set off the alarm on this thing and every Null Sector bot in the area could be all over us in less than a minute."

(Y/N) continued using Jacques knife to strip off the processor that was needed for his next project. The last restraint that was keeping the component attached to the scrambler was removed and they were good to go. "Got it." (Y/N) said as he held the small circuitry unit in between his fingers, "Let's go."

Jacques and (Y/N) moved down the alley to start their way back to the Lyon's hotel. Jacques kneeled at the corner to see if there were any Null Sector troops in sight.

"Here's your ballsong or whatever you called this thing." (Y/N) said giving Jacques his knife back.

"It's pronounced balisong."

"Oh, excuse me." (Y/N) said sarcastically. "Anything? We all clear?"

"Yes, it looks like..wait..merde. Bastion unit, 10 O'clock."

"Really? How far?" (Y/N) asked with a bit of excitement.

"Uh...Eighty meters? Possibly?"

"Perfect." (Y/N) said as he grabbed the new toy he made off of his back. It was a type of spear launcher that was made from pipes found off of a construction site. It fired iron spear-tipped fence posts that (Y/N) had found off of the same site that the pipes came from, the good thing was that the posts were in singles and not welded together. (Y/N) loaded one of the fence spear posts he got from the quiver on his back into the barrel and pulled back the lever on the main pipe to create the pressure that was necessary to launch the posts at a high speed.

(AU Note- Think of the Javelin gun from Dead Space 2)

(Y/N) peeked around the corner of the alley to see the bastion unit  in its scout mode at a street corner ,under the dim light of a street post, in front of a partially destroyed building, just standing there ; menacingly. (Y/N) lifted the weapon up to get the automaton in his sights.

"Fingers crossed this thing doesn't dislocate my shoulder." (Y/N) said, but he was confident that the shocks he put into the gun would absorb most of the recoil. Hopefully.

Your P.O.V.

You took a deep breath in and breathed it out slowly through your lips. "Space between the legs, grip the rifle firmly, not too tight or too loose, feet planted, both eyes open, relaxed but focused on the target." You said to yourself quietly, remembering what Ana told you at the shooting range back in Switzerland.

The bastion laid perfectly on the sights of the rifle as your finger was wrapped around the trigger. Just then, your finger started to squeeze the trigger as you exhaled and felt the beating of your heart slow down.

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