Chapter 8: Short Change Hero

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Tracer P.O.V.

Day 3 of The King's Row Uprising

Overwatch HQ

Zurich, Switzerland

I was sitting in Dr. Ziegler's office as she looked over everything that was recorded in my tests. I had just finished them yesterday and it feels like it all went well. As Dr.Ziegler was looking over the papers, I stared at the wall and started thinking about what was going on back home. How many people got out? Were my friends ok? How much of London was in shambles? Were my folks alright?

I desperately wanted the answers to these questions, but the one question that was on my mind and that concerned me the most was about (Y/N). Did he make it out ok? Was he safe? Was he..? No. Don't think about Lena. (Y/N)'s alright. I know it.


"Hm? I'm sorry, Dr. Ziegler. My mind was somewhere else."

"It's alright. I said that everything here looks great. The accelerator clearly works, with no side effects and not to mention the new abilities it has given you. Now in terms of where we go from here, I received news that the flight test program will take you back when you're ready, Tracer."

Huh, I didn't expect that from them. But do I really want to go back? I mean I'm not scared of flying now or that I won't fly ever again. It's just that with this thing on my chest, I feel like I can do more than just that.

"Oh. Um..great." I said with little excitement.

Dr. Ziegler looked up at and seemed a bit concernced at my response. "Is everything alright, Ms. Oxton? I expected you to be more excited about returning to the flight test program."

" Oh, no. Believe me, I'm happy that they're willing to take me back and let me fly again. It's just that.." I'm stumbling to find the answer. Then Dr. Ziegler's face shows sympathy towards me.

"Is it what's happening back home that is bothering you?"

I put my hand at the back of my head and run my hand through my hair back there. "Um..yeah. One minute, I'm all happy now that I'm cured and can't wait to see my friends and folks again. The next, London's being torn apart by this Null Sector group. I'm just worried about my friends and family there. But I'm really worried about (Y/N). I mean he was there at the middle of this and right when it happened. Have you heard anything about what's going on there? Is (Y/N) safe?"

Dr. Z shook her head, "I'm sorry, Lena. We haven't heard anything new yet and we don't know anything about (Y/N) status right now. He may have made it to one of the safe zones and perhaps they haven't registered him to be at one of them yet. They are all filled with many people, after all. Don't worry, Lena. I'm sure that (Y/N) is safe. We can talk more about what to do next, later. You are dismissed, Ms. Oxton. "

I get up and thank Dr. Ziegler, but before I walked out she called me back. "Oh, Tracer! Before I forget, I have something for you." I go back to her desk and she hands me my phone. Of course the battery is dead, but she gives me the charging cable for it and tells me that I can have it as long as I don't make any calls or texts to anyone. Course to make sure that I don't do that, there's some sort of chip they put in to block my calls and text. I thank Dr. Ziegler and head back to my room.

I walk in and plug my phone in to charge, while I lay down in bed. After about ten minutes, I see my phone light up and unlock it to see that I had a whole lot of texts and missed calls from when I disappeared. As I looked through my phone, I saw a phone number that I had never seen before on my text messages. I opened it up to see that it was (Y/N)'s number, because in there was the picture we took a few days ago.

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