Chapter 2: A Change of Plans

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The room was still with silence. Here you were in your dorm after passing your last final and earning your doctorate, ready to graduate and tell your parents about it and now Captain Ana Amari, a hero of the Omnic Crisis and a founding member of Overwatch, was right in front of you with the opportunity that so many dream about, but only a select few would achieve. At least it was quiet , until you started to laugh.

"Hahahaha. Oh man that's a good one! Woo man! OK! Come on out Chase! I know you planned this and this my friend deserves some high recognition." you said slowly clapping. " I'll admit you had me going there and I gotta say that this is an amazing holographic display. It even sounds like Captain Amari". You then walked up to the "Hologram" and lifted your finger to poke where her famous tattoo was. "Wow! Even her Eye of Horus Tattoo looks re-"In that moment, the smile on your face was gone. You poked her again to double check and your finger just laid there. In less than millisecond, you bought your finger down and away from her face.

"Oh. My. God! You're..! You're really her! This is real!?"

"Yes (Y/N), it is most certainly real."

"Oh god! I am so sorry for laughing at you miss! I mean ma'am! I mean Captain!" you said with a salute.

Your poor attempt of an apology made her chuckle and she smiled at you. "Ah. Just like Jesse."


"Never mind that. Don't worry about apologizing. I'm sure this is all a shock to you. Just breathe in." She took a breath and you followed by taking a breath of your own. " And breathe out." You exhaled and placed your hands on your hips to help relax.

"Better?" You shook your head in agreement. "Good! Now go ahead and start packing and finish whatever you need to do here. You have one hour. I'll be waiting downstairs to take you to the dropship." She said as she started to make her way out of the dorm room

Your mind was racing just like you were around the dorm, trying to pack what you can and need, while at the same time trying to comprehend the fact that Overwatch, the global peacekeeping organization, needed you! You just couldn't believe it! This was your chance to stand amongst  the heroes you grew up looking up to, especially Reinhardt. He was your favorite hero of Overwatch ever since you were seven years old. You remember how you'd run to the nearest TV that had him on, be it an interview or any footage of him in battle. He was a pure symbol of Justice, Courage and Honor and he just looked so cool with is armored suit and his epic beard, not to mention the scar over his left eye. Oh the stories he must have from his time with the Crusaders! That would make your life complete, to hear Reinhardt tell you one of his famous stories! But you snapped back to reality* and continued to pack your bags.

You packed whatever clothes you had into your red duffle bag and anything else you would need. You were also sure to pack your phone charger, sunglasses, spare converse sneakers, laptop, with it's charger of course, your high school graduation picture of you and your parents, a couple of comic books to keep you busy just in case you got bored and you made sure to take down, roll up and pack your Led Zeppelin Mothership poster into your backpack so it wouldn't crinkle.

 You were also sure to pack your phone charger, sunglasses, spare converse sneakers, laptop, with it's charger of course, your high school graduation picture of you and your parents, a couple of comic books to keep you busy just in case you got bo...

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