Chapter 6: The Day You Are Born

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A ringing filled your ears as you tried to gather yourself from the turn of events. There were people running out of the pub and into the street as you sat yourself up against the wooden panel of the bar. You checked yourself for any injuries. Nothing but a scratch here and there, not to mention the dust and small pieces of wood on you from the explosion outside. You then felt a tug on your jacket and you were lifted up from the ground. Your eyes opened to see that it was John. He put both of his hands on your jacket, gripping it tight as he shook you a bit to get you out of your trance. His lips were moving but you couldn't hear  what he was saying.*

*Ringing*"...alright? Hey?! Are you alright?!" he shouted to you. The ringing stopped as you snapped free from your trance-like state.

"What?!" you asked him.

"I said! Are you alright!? Are you hurt?!"

"No! I'm okay! What about you?"

"I've been through worse. Come on! We've gotta get out of here!"

He went towards the back through the kitchen and you followed, wondering what the hell was happening. "Wait! Hold up! What's going on? What's with the sirens and the explosion?" He didn't respond. You went through the back door of the kitchen to find yourselves in an alleyway. The streets were filled with people running from whatever was going on around you. "Something tells me that we should go that way. Right?" you said. "John?" you turned your head to see that he wasn't there. "John?"

"Oi! Up here! Come on!" he shouted from a nearby fire escape ladder.

"What are you doing?! Shouldn't we..I don't know? Be running away from the explosions?!" you told him as he continued to climb up the ladder.

"We have to get to higher ground. Find out where the explosions are, what areas to avoid and possibly what's causing all this. Now come on!" he told you. You didn't want to be by yourself through all of this and you still had to tell him about Tracer. You grabbed onto the ladder and started to ascend, trying to catch up to the old man. He was a pretty fast climber for his age.

You reached the rooftop after the four story climb. You could see John standing near the edge of the east side of the roof, looking to the horizon. He stood there with his hands down to his sides, as if he was staring into an abyss. You came up behind him, wandering what he was seeing and you saw what placed him in a paralysis state. There was flames all across King's Row, with smoke and small sparks going into the night sky, buildings with collapsed walls and more things came falling from the sky, crashing into the streets of King's Row.

"London's ablaze." John said in a whisper, for it was all he could manage. Was this all really happening? Are you still on the plane, asleep and dreaming? You pinched yourself to find out. No. This is real.

You uncovered the communicator that Winston gave you the day before you left out from under the left sleeve of your jacket and opened the emergency channel. "Mayday! Mayday!Overwatch HQ! Come in! Do you copy? London is under attack! I repeat! London is under attack!" You said into the device. John turned around and saw you using the communicator. He seemed shocked, more than he was right now.

"Wait a minute. You're with Overwatch?"

"Long story."

Just then you got a response from your communicator, "Identify yourself. This is a secured channel that is intended for emergencies only."

"Oh ,really?! DOES IT SOUND LIKE I'M ORDERING A PIZZA ?!"*you shouted.

" Move aside." you heard from the comm link and the voice sounded familiar." (L/N) come in! This is Morrison! We read you! What's going on?!"

Overwatch: The World Needs Heroes! (Tracer X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ