Part 30

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"Where's Namjoon?" Hoseok half screamed.

"I have no idea!" Taehyung shouted back.

Sweats formed on their temples, their eyes were full of tears as they looked around and found nothing except for the bloody scene in front of them.

4 of their friends died in a tragic way in front of their eyes, eventhough they didn't see it directly it was still terrifying for them. One was missing, maybe killed.. or was the killer.

They checked the time and it was still 15 minutes to midnight.

"Hyung, we can't stay here. I don't want to die!" Taehyung balled his fist, holding the tears threatening to fall.

"What are we gonna do?" Hoseok whimpered.

Suddenly the lights flickered very fast and they heard dragging sound. As if a body was dragged on the floor.

"Namjoon's the killer. He will kill us!" Taehyung panicked.

"Let's hide!" Hoseok got up and ran upstairs, Taehyung following him, catching up his pace.

Taehyung tripped due to skipping the steps and he tumbled.

"Taehyung!" Hoseok yelled as he ran down the stairs to help Taehyung.

"Can you stand up?" Hoseok carefully pulled him by his arm.

Taehyung nodded and he limped as Hoseok helped him to walk upstairs.

They stopped in front of Hoseok's room and he opened the door, locking it after he closed it.

He opened his big closet and helped Taehyung to sit down. Then he went inside and closed the door. He turned on the flashlight in his phone and faced Taehyung.


Taehyung just hummed in response, he was massaging his twisted ankle.

"What if Namjoon was the main character from the beginning?"


"We're gonna die, Tae."

"Why did you say so, Hyung?" Taehyung knitted his eyebrows, clearly showing that he didn't like those who easily gave up and talk that way.

"Because.. usually main characters in most stories always survives." He stopped for a while. "Don't you think so?"

Taehyung's eyes widen.

"You remember.. in the game, main character never dies. They were only found and voted by the other players."

"What if I tell you that I'm the main character?" Taehyung turned to face Hoseok with a serious expression.

Hoseok sighed. "No, Tae. I know you are not."

"Why are you so sure?" Taehyung smirked.

"Namjoon is."

Taehyung chuckled. "You know I can't fool you, Hyung."

"But I can."

"How? I always found out everytime you fool me." Taehyung rested his chin on his palm. "Remember that cookie tragedy?"

Hoseok nodded.

"I knew you ate it." Taehyung smiled confidently. "I am a good detective." He created a V sign with his fingers and placed it below his chin while wiggling his eyebrows.

Hoseok scoffed.

"Now. I ask you. What if I tell you that I'M the main character?"

"Haha, I will sprint 200 miles per hour out of this house."

"Then why don't you do it now." Hoseok smirked and his face was only 1 inch from Taehyung's.

Taehyung awkwardly shifted his gaze to anywhere other than Hoseok's eyes.

"H-hyung.. y-you are j-joking, right?"

"I am the main character." Hoseok emphasized each word in a very deep tone and it scared the cookie out of Taehyung.

"H-hyung, t-this is n-not funny."

Suddenly Hoseok kicked the closet door open, he stepped out and stood up.

"Why did you think that I'm joking?"

"Ooh, is that because of my amazing acting skills, huh?"

"You cried on purpose??" Taehyung just couldn't believe it.

"Sadly, yes. I practiced for the whole week and this is what I got." Hoseok laughed. "I got to fool you guys!"

"And that old fat guy didn't even appreaciate my acting skills." He snapped his fingers. "And I found out that Namjoon was the son of that fat guy. Of course Namjoon didn't know that I worked in his father's theater since there were many theaters around here. And plus, Namjoon didn't even ask. He didn't care, Taehyung. What kind of friend is that?"

Hoseok suddenly unlocked the door opened it.

"And I would have ran out of the door in a blink of an eye if I were you." He smirked but it turned into an intimidating frown. "But I guess little Taehyung is very brave to still stay in his position with a murderer in front of him."

He laughed maniacally.

Taehyung didn't know what to do. His ankle was hurt so he couldn't walk properly or even run. But if he forced himself to run to the exit, Hoseok could have hidden a knife behind him.

So he took the hardest decision ever.

He got up and walked slowly towards the exit. Still looking at Hoseok just in case he was going to hurt him.

Surprisingly, Hoseok just smiled and he made his way out safely.

He looked back and saw Hoseok smirking and closed the door behind him, as if really letting Taehyung go.

Taehyung limped as he tried walking on both feet. He held the railings tightly as if his life depended on it. Suddenly the door bursted open and Hoseok's footsteps was heard through the corridor.

Taehyung panicked but he couldn't go faster. Hoseok was now behind him, standing on the wooden steps, holding a knife.

"Goodbye, Taehyung."

He stabbed Taehyung's back and the long knife went through him so that Taehyung could see the tip poking out of his chest.

He glanced at the knife which was covered in blood that dripped to the floor then he fell forwards and rolled down the stairs , breaking his skull in the process.

His body hit the wooden floor with a loud thud. His arms were twisted and his head snapped, dark blood rise up like a fountain then formed a pool on the floor.

Hoseok smirked. He was satisfied.

He went back to his room to clean the knife, erasing every fingerprint.