Part 10

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Min Yoongi got excited as he was chosen as the main character. He just had to hide and kill, right?

He played the game from his laptop. The screen showed a big map of a house which looked like a maze. He could change the point of view from the whole map or his character's point of view. But he couldn't see anyone if he changed it to the whole map view, just an empty house. He clicked the arrow and his character walked. He chose a cute brown cookie-like creature.

He changed to the whole map view and as soon as he reached one of the bedroom in the top corner of the map, the map on the screen moved to show larger area which wasn't shown before. He changed it back to the character's point of view. Then he saw another horse-like character moving towards him.

He clicked so that his character ran quietly to the kitchen. He found the knife which was mentioned earlier and he went back to the bedroom. To his surprise, the horse-like character wasn't there anymore. He saw another character walking past the door. He quickly turned back so that the character wouldn't see it. But maybe it saw the knife already because it sprinted as it had passed the door. He didn't care anymore. At least the voting started midnight so he had to kill all of them before the voting started.

He hid the knife and walked towards the living room. He saw a heart-shaped character and he proceed to kill it. When it turned his back against him, he quickly walked towards the character and pressed the weapon button to kill it.

The character blinked few times then it faded away and he was notified that he suceeded killing one character. Another 5 to go.