Old Friend

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I used to have a friend who sat by me in classroom 113
His hair was matte black, his eyes a dark brown
You'd think with his rough life, his smile would be a frown

But he had such a spirit— a will unlike any other
I guess you could say I felt like he was my brother
We got to be such good friends

Every morning, he'd be there with a new song to show me
I don't know how, but ever since the beginning, he just seemed to know me

The school days were long, and the walk home was so bitter

It seemed like forever, but our time together was short

And I wish things had been different, but I moved away

He tried so hard, but I slipped away

My new home was happier
He stayed the same

My new town was brighter
back home, the sun shone the same
I know it's silly, but I feel like I'm to blame

He grew up quick
I held onto being a kid
He became a man
And I stayed a boy

I lost my hopes, and I was never much for dreams
He was a bit better and found his own. It seemed

I still talk to him for what good it does
I just wish life could be the way it was

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