Film Reel

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They tell me its love but there's no way to know
I think I'm falling down the rabbit hole
I tumble and trip
I can't stop; can't skip
I'm stuck in these moments
Pictures of the past
Moments that never seemed to last
I'm drowning in the waters of love remembered
But I'm deprived of the reciprocation  
Pictures of you
So unrequited
It hurts me in the bright light
It burns the images into my head
Along with a clip of words, you said
Well, the film reel rolls
And flickers on constant
It plays on repeat
It's permanently looped
My mind it's melting
Give me something new
Something I can hold on to
Give me hope in form of love
There's nothing left to be scared of
Yet, I can't eat— my stomach aches of fasting
I'm dying here in dreams ever-lasting
My life so sick said love no longer
I give hope gave deep; no stronger
Hold me still; so stop my heart
Take tall tales that taste too tart
And whisper them into my ear
I can't wait till I'm no longer here

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