The Girl With The Green Hat

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I hold you in my arms, and your body feels so cold
Your green stocking cap makes you look so old
Your smile is plastered perfectly across your gentle porcelain face
You never thought you'd get anywhere, but I always told you it wasn't a race
The time we spent together was nothing compared to the pain of living so far
It took a lot of life to get to where we are
You lay in my lap; I hold your head in my shaking hands
But dreams like this don't happen very often according to our plans
No... life is unpredictable, surprising, and even crazy
Meeting you was random, unsuspected, and lazy
I didn't have to do anything. You were just there
I was drawn to you by your smile, your eyes, your hair
Your voice trickled to me
Sounded sweet like honey
A couple of words from you are worth more than any money
I find that I'm hypnotized
I feel I'm under control
Of something special - a powerful unspoken bond
Something binding me to the obsessions I have with you
I can only hope that you're obsessed with me, too
Honestly, the world isn't half as bad as it seems
We all get caught up in someone else's dreams
We're round pegs; square holes
Uneven table legs; Grocery carts with one wheel that rolls
We're stuck in our needs
Our hopes play second fiddle
Our morality is frail. We keep shaving pieces from the middle
My ideas about peace
Make me seem nonchalant at best
But give me a tough situation; put me to the test
Is a cheater a cheater?
Is a liar gonna lie?
Where is the breaking point?
What's it have to do with you and I?
Well, it's all about our outlooks
Yeah, mine and yours
What's the truth about us? What's at our very cores?
What happens if we're face to face with a life changing situation
When our colors ring true
Will your hat stay green?
Will it switch to grey or blue?
Are you who I think you are or just someone I thought I knew?
Because I've seen things before
It's more confusing and surprising than what we've held as true
People changing from who they were to something monstrously new
I'd bet my last dollar one day. I'll say the same for you
Right now, I still love you
I could never let you go
But how long that'll last is hard for me to know
And we never really figure out the moment it occurs
When our love for someone changes to something else
It's all an inconvenient blur
What we have is fickle
...It always is
Friendships seem so frail to me
So weak and time constrained
As soon as we're inconvenient to one another
We forget to hug
We forget to smile
We only talk every once in a while
You wake up one morning in a different seat
You don't remember moving
But surely you did
It seems unlikely to forget about someone that you loved and you held so dear to your heart
Or you strung along and let rip themselves apart
But either way, someday you forget to think about them
And you forget each day next
Then suddenly, life's is different
I don't know the green capped girl anymore
I have a topless girl with a black hat, nerdy glasses and a tendency to whore
She still wears a hat
But she's not you... tell me what for?
You see I'm not surprised by changes in personality
Well... not anymore
I just accept people for what they are not what they were
People remember me but they don't know what I am
They forget to ask me how I feel
And sometimes believe me I lose grip on what is real
But truly life is lovely
It holds so many things
It creates our thoughts
That without we would not be plagued
By our minds that bring us down
And pull at our strings
It knows everything about us
Such terrible things
When the sun won't raise so high
And the dark is just no fun
It is then we are our own enemy number one
I open my weakened eyes and my girl with the black hat is gone

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