Chapter 64 - History Lesson

Start from the beginning

"We got you," said Sam. "Go on."

"Okay, here we go…."

Many years ago, before your parents were even born, the Campbell and Winchester lines were fated to join and produce exceptional children. The entity you know as 'God' was responsible for bringing together the forces that made this happen. He intended to use the two of you to thwart the plans of his rebellious angels to bring on the apocalypse. However, you two, with the help of the angel Castiel, decided not to follow his design, and did it your way. This you already know.

However, unknown to you or your God, another entity had been watching this development for over a century. This was non other than your God's older brother. If he had a name, no one remembers it. In the language of what you would think of as the heaven of that dimension, he is simply called HE, or HIM, as though you would write it with capital letters.

"Okay," said Dean. "But we've already figured all that out."

"Yes, but I guess he wanted to be sure. Anyway, this other thing I translated seems to have the god's name, and more. Listen…."

In the beginning there was chaos, and from that chaos came order. And there existed a race of powerful beings. And some were of good countenance, and some were evil. And there came to be a war among these beings, until only two were left. And these became the Great Mother and the Great Father of all that exists. And the names of them were Tam and Orlo.

And Tam and Orlo were of the good hearted, and they were happy together, but soon missed the company of others. And so they said one to another, let us make some children to be our companions, and they created a child. And the name of him was Eo.

They loved this child greatly, and lavished many gifts upon him, and he was given free reign to do as he wished. But the child was ungrateful and rebellious and self-centered. Tam and Orlo soon realized the mistake they had made in giving him almost unlimited powers.

So Tam and Orlo created a second child. And the name of him was Aman. And Aman was a beautiful child, fair of feature and graceful. But Tam and Orlo limited the gifts of power they bestowed upon Aman, so as not to make the same mistake again.

And Eo became jealous of the love his brother was receiving, and soon his evil nature was made manifest. And he created much distress and havoc for his brother. And it came to pass that when Tam and Orlo realized what they had created, they separated the two children away from each other, and gave to each a world for them to rule.

But Eo liked not what came to be. "I shall create what I like," he said. And through him there came to be many horrible creatures, full of venom and fire, and they destroyed all that was in their path. And Eo rejoiced at what he had done, for his heart was vile, and he delighted in torment.

But Eo came to be so cruel to his creations that Tam and Orlo decided they had to do something harsh. So they removed his creativity and locked it away with many safeguards, so that Eo could never retrieve it, although they did leave open a way.

And this was the end of the First Age.

And it came to pass that Tam and Orlo were no more, and Eo  came to be known as the Mighty Father. And though he himself could no longer create, many of his creatures could still create lesser versions of themselves, and for many eons things remained much the same.

And it came to pass that The Mighty Father found a way to reach into the world of his brother, and watch the things he was doing.

And this was the end of the Second Age.

"Huh." said Sam. "So there were gods before there were gods? What a concept huh?"

"So then, we are in the third age now?" asked Dean.

"Apparently," I said.

"And that prophecy you mentioned the other day, that said it happened in the third age, right?"


Dean pursed his lips and said, "Well, I don't buy much into prophecy anyway. We've screwed up a few already. And maybe that prophecy didn't know about Maria," he added, and smiled and winked at Mom. "She's our secret weapon."

"You're just trying to get on my good side so I give you a break tonight," she said.

"Is it working?" asked Dean.

"Maybe," she teased. "Or maybe you wasted the effort because maybe I was gonna let you off the hook tonight anyway."

"We have done three days," Sam pointed out.

"Yes you have. And your three days are about five or six days for a normal person," she said, smiling.

Both boys were looking at her like they were waiting for their first ice cream cone. "And so?" Asked Sam tentatively.

"Oh well, I guess so," she said laughing. "Have your fun, you've earned it. Sleep in. Training starts at ten tomorrow. And," she added, "tomorrow we're going to begin some self-defense techniques as well. You'll need them when you screw up and let someone get too close."

"Have we just been insulted?" Dean asked Sam.

"I think so," Sam answered.

"Son of a Bitch," said Dean. "There's just no pleasing some people."

Everyone had a good laugh, and we all worked together to clean up the kitchen. The boys locked their printouts in a drawer, and we went to bed. I'm sure Dean and Maggie had a good a time. I know Sam and I did.

THANK YOU for reading. As usual, I would love to hear your comments.

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