Chapter 9 - Instant Replay

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SPOILER WARNING: This chapter mentions things that happened during all nine seasons of Supernatural.  If you don't wish to read it, you will not lose anything of the main story line.

Okay, I said. The pilot show was when you went to Stanford to get Sam, and he lost Jess. Did that happen?"

"Yes," said Sam, looking uncomfortable.

"Sorry Sam," I said sadly. "So then the whole first year was mainly about looking for your dad, and introducing the audience to what hunters do, and each show was about a different monster. The cliffhanger was when you all were in the car accident. We had to wait for over four months to see how that turned out."

"That didn't take four months, it was just over a week maybe," said Dean.

"Okay," I said thinking. "Apparently there are some timing differences. So maybe things here aren't actually set in stone, which would make me feel a lot better. The next season started in the hospital  with you in a coma dying, and your dad sold his soul to save you."

Dean looked away with teary eyes. "Yeah," he said, "Go on."

That season was concerned with finding out about the yellow-eyed demon and his plan for the chosen kids. There was the showdown where there was supposed to be just one left, and Sam got killed. Then YOU sold YOUR soul to save Sam. Last episode wasn't really a cliffhanger, but Sam made you tell him what you had done, he got mad and vowed to find a way to save you. No real cliffhanger that year, but wow was that a powerful episode."

"Generally true, yes," said Dean. "Do you really know all this stuff?" He asked.

"Pretty much. Like I said, we've been fans from the start." Maggie and I exchanged a knowing glance and I continued. "Third season was mostly about trying to find a way out for you not to go to Hell. Sometimes an episode would be concerned with the main plot, and other times it was more about a hunt. Season ended with you going to Hell anyway. Naturally that was a cliffhanger."

Our burgers came and we busied ourselves with eating for a few minutes.

"Now see in Sam's time, you were in hell for four months, even though it seemed like 40 years to you. But that's what I mean about a pattern. You were "in Hell" for four months for us too while we waited for the next season to start. Why that particular amount of time?"

I could see the wheels spinning in Dean's head.

"Fourth season comes, and angels are introduced in the form of Cass, who is how you get out of Hell four months later. And I even read about how they really weren't planning to even have angels in the show but they changed their minds. Isn't it funny how you guys never knew about angels until the people at Supernatural decided to bring them in?"

"This season was also hard for me,, watching Ruby take ahold of Sam, leading him to his dark side" I said, as I slipped a sidelong glance at him. "It ended with the last seal being broken and Lucifer being freed. Again, we had to wait four months to find out what happened next. I don't imagine it took that long on this side."

No, of course not," said Dean. "It just continued."

"Fifth season, Most of the year involved trying to keep Michael and Lucifer from taking you as vessels. Cliffhanger, Sam takes them both back into the cage, after beating Dean to a bloody pulp. Cass comes and saves the day, and we get another four months waiting to see if and how Sam get's out of Hell.

"At the start of Season six, we hear that Dean's had his year with Lisa. Not sure how that timing works, except maybe that's how they used up the extra time from between seasons on our side. We see Sam's out of Hell and has been working with the Campbells, newfound family. Dean can't help going back to hunting with Sam, who soon finds out his soul was left behind in Hell. Eventually  Sam does get his soul back, against his will, but in a dangerous condition. Death tries to help, but Cass breaks the wall and then becomes the new God in the season Finale. Still on target?"

Pretty much yeah," sad Dean

"Season seven, Cass wreaks havoc in Heaven and Earth, lets the Leviathans loose, walks into the city water supply and doesn't come back for half a season. But in the end you guys beat the Leviathans, but in doing so, Dean and Cass are sent to Purgatory. Naturally, that's the cliffhanger finale for that year. But see how you really only had the Leviathans for a year?"

By this time both Sam and Dean have stopped eating and are staring at me with frowns. I keep going. "Season eight is about closing the gates of Hell forever, the trials, and Dean not letting Sam finish them because it would kill him. Season cliffhanger, Sam in a coma with an Angel inside."

I looked pointedly at each of them and then continued. "Which brings us to the current season nine. You are trying to finally kill Abaddon." I looked at Dean. "You have received the mark of Cain and the one time you used it, it scared the shit out of you. What Sam sees in you is scaring him even more. You got rid of the "Psycho Angel" in Sam, but not before it killed Kevin. You're finding yourselves working side by side with Crowley, which is possibly expedient but extremely distasteful. You're kind of on the outs with each other over the Angel being in Sam thing, and Dean is drinking too much. Did I miss anything?"

"Not a hell of a lot," said Dean. "Seems like you do see an awful lot about our lives." He said. At this point he was still looking a little green around the edges.

I took a deep breath and let it out. "We do," I said. "And the show takes us on a roller coaster ride of emotions. We cry with you when you cry over losing each other or someone else you love. It breaks our hearts. It also breaks our hearts when you guys hurt each other, when you lie to each other, and keep secrets. It breaks our hearts when you lose a lover; Jess, Lisa, Madison, Amelia. I can barely stand to watch the Madison episode."

After a few moments of very uncomfortable silence, Dean put on his Bad Boy smile and said, "Yeah but the sex scenes probably help you get over that!"

I couldn't help but smile at that, and I sighed an exaggerated sigh. "Oh yes," I said. "They are really hot. Unfortunately, the show Is on network TV so they can't do them quite as well as we'd like." Everyone laughed at that and the tension was lessoned some.

"Anyway, you can see how, for us, each year had it's own overall theme, and cliffhangers that left us screaming for more. And how on your world things seem to happen in mostly one-year cycles. And THIS season only has two more episodes." Sam and Dean looked at each other, and back at me."

Dean said, 'While It's still really creepy to me, and I don't like our lives being out there for people to get their vicarious thrills off of, the fact remains we know about it now, you two are here, and we need to figure out why."

"Agreed," put in Sam. "But it's not fair that you two know so much about us. Next time we get to hear all about you."

"Knew that was coming," I said, as we all got up from the table.

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