Chapter 18 - More of the Girls' Story

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Katie's POV

I woke before he did, memories of what had happened to me came flooding into my brain, which made my tummy twist. I felt like I had just been through my wedding night. I felt pure and reborn. Nothing that had happened to me in the past mattered anymore. I was new.

I lay there appreciating the beautiful specimen of maleness that had just shared my bed. His face, in the relaxation of sleep showed a boyish innocence that belied the killing machine that he actually was. But his body, now that told the real story. His body, bulging with the muscles of total fitness spoke of strength, stamina and courage. I loved this man with every fiber of my being. And he had said he loved me too, or did I just dream that. But here he was, in my bed, with his strong arm around me, loosely in sleep. That much I couldn't deny. My hand was on his firm chest. I had to giggle at that thought.

"What you giggling about?" he said sleepily, his eyes still closed, but his beautiful face turned toward me.

I couldn't help myself, I leaned up on my elbow and pressed my hand on his chest. With a tone of exaggerated admiration and an intake of breath I said, "You're so firm."

He burst out laughing, all sleep gone now. "Don't tell me they had that in your TV show."

"Oh yes," I teased. "It's one of our favorite episodes," I replied, laughing. "As long as you don't ask me to stop touching you, that is."

"Never," he replied, and held me close, smiling.

He looked over at the clock, which showed it was just after nine. Then he held me tighter and kissed me warmly. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" he asked sweetly.

Again, my tummy didn't seem to know how to behave itself. I was in total Heaven. All I could say was "Yes," and that seemed to be such an understatement.



"Have you never been married?"


"I can't believe no one has snatched you up before this."

"Oh, some have tried," I said. "Lived with someone now and then. But none ever lasted more than six months."

He frowned. "Why not?" he asked.

I shrugged. "No one ever measured up to you."

He laughed at that and said, "No, seriously."

"I am serious," I answered.

He looked down at me questioningly. "I don't exist on your world," he said. "How could anyone measure up to me?"

I smiled at that. "Yeah, but Sam, you don't get it. I've been in love with you for nine years. Didn't matter that you weren't real. You were real to me. You've always been my soul mate."

"Wow," was all he seemed able to say.

We laid there together for another tem minutes or so, and then he said, "I guess we should get up. We're heading to the bunker today."

"Oh, awesome," I said.

"I'm gonna do a quick workout, if you want to take the first shower."


When  I got out of the shower he was still doing sit ups. I just couldn't help staring at him. What a magnificent body. And what an awesome love machine he had also turned out to be. Once again I marveled at the thought of my actually being with him, this man I had adored for so long. How could this have happened? And how could he possibly love me?

He finished up and headed for the shower, just as Maggie's knock sounded on the door. I opened the door to a happy, excited Maggie. We exchanged eye contact that told each of us that things had gone well for the other, and details could wait. "We're going to the bat cave!" she said excitedly.

"I know," I said, grinning widely myself.

Maggie came in and grabbed some clothes to wear, and quickly packed up the rest of her gear. "Meet you guys out at the car," she said, closing the door between us. "Hurry!"

I dressed and packed, and got together what I found of Sam's in the room. He emerged from the bathroom in a towel, and there went my goddamn tummy again. Would it ever settle down? I sincerely hoped not, I thought, amusing myself.

Sam went next door and got dressed and packed. We double checked both rooms and went out the door. Dean and Maggie were leaning on the car waiting for us. Dean said "Let's eat now and grab snacks later when we get gas. I don't wanna stop until we get home." Everyone one agreed to that, so we stowed out gear and went to the diner next door.

The air was a bit tense between the boys, but better than it had been last night. We took our seats in a booth and the waitress came right away so we gave our orders. Sam said, "If you girls are up to it, I'd like to hear how you got out of the gang life."

Maggie and I exchanged a long look and I knew she was still not ready to tell it all. "Well," I said, "We pretty much owe that to our parents." I looked out the window and thought. "Near the end of our junior year in school, something happened. And that's all I'm going to say about that right now. Suffice it to say, it made our parents decide they needed to do something drastic, one last ditch effort to save their children. So they decided to move us away to Florida."

"We didn't go willingly," I continued. "We tried to run away twice. Once we even stayed out of view for almost two weeks. The second time we barely got down the front steps. When every cop in the city knows you, it's hard to pull that off. Anyway, we also knew we really had no choice. It would be worse for us to stay, and they said they were going, with or without us."

But you have to try to understand where our heads were at, and you need to understand gang life. If you are in a gang you are in a family. Every one of us would die for any other, and over the years some did. A gang bond is an extreme bond, almost impossible to break. And this was our family for five years. Leaving it was at that time an unspeakable heartbreak for us."

I paused to think some more. "We refused to help pack. We were horrid to our parents. I really feel guilty about how we acted then. But when we realized no one was going to pack our stuff, we actually got up and did that. We were sullen, disagreeable and disrespectful, and all through that, neither one of them raised a voice to us in anger. Looking back on it, that in itself indicates how scared they were for us."

"Anyway, we sent off a moving van, packed up the car and headed south in the middle of summer, 2005." Our food came and we all got busy eating for a few minutes. The boys had to have been starving.

"Mom had a sister that lived in Daytona Beach, and she had found a place for us to rent temporarily. So we already had a place to go. By the time we were settled in it was time for school to start." I laughed humorlessly. "School. Senior year. What a circus that was. Talk about not fitting in. We were two street-wise, big city gang girls thrown in with a bunch of stuck-up, snot-nosed, bikini bitches and their surfboarding, beach bum boyfriends." I shook my head. "Suffice it to say, there was no way we were going to be accepted, not that we wanted to be anyway. They were either derisive or scared of us and, well, never mind what we thought of them." This got amused smirks from both boys.

"So," I continued, "Here's the crux of the matter. We had no one but ourselves, and that was fine with us. We existed. We did well in school because we just always had. But we stayed to ourselves, and when we were home, we watched TV. And it was the beginning of the 2005 TV season." I paused for dramatic effect, waved my hands emphatically, and said, "Enter Sam and Dean Winchester." Their looks at this point were priceless. I wished I could have taken a picture.

"See," I continued, "2005 was the first season of Supernatural, and we immediately identified with Sam and Dean. We became obsessed, I mean seriously so. Supernatural, and Sam and Dean, at first became our substitute for whatever it was we had gotten from gang life. But it soon took on a life of its own. We printed out pics, we downloaded the episodes and watched them over and over, we constantly talked about it."

"Mom and Dad were happy enough to see us having an interest in anything that they gladly supplied us paper and ink for the printer and anything else we might want. They put up with our obsession, even encouraged it. We got happier. We got more respectful to our parents. And we began to see what kind of life we had been heading for in the gang. We would probably have been in jail by now. Or dead. So, in a way, Sam and Dean Winchester saved us. And now, here you are, the real Sam and Dean. And you cannot even begin to imagine the impact that is having on us."

I decided that was a good breaking point, and we had all finished our meal. The boys had both been so completely enraptured by my commentary that they were still looking at me. "To be continued," I said. "Let's get this show on the road."

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