Chapter 25 - Conversations

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Sam and Dean

On the way to the library Dean said, "You've really got it bad, don't you?"

Sam looked over at dean and smiled, "Yeah," he admitted.

"You scared?"

"About what?"

When Dean spoke, Sam could hear the edge in his voice. "Sam, when have relationships ever worked out for either of us? Hell, even friendships. Everybody we touch dies, Sam, all of them. I'm happy for you little brother, I really am, but I gotta tell you, I'm scared too."

Sam looked over at Dean and said softly, "For me, or for yourself?"

Dean wiped his hand over his face and grimaced. "I can't do it man, I can't. I can't lose anybody else, it'll kill me."

Dean! I think we've both been given I gift, and personally I don't care anymore where it came from. Don't throw yours away, man, don't!"

Dean's eyes were watering, and he sniffed. "Sammy, you don't know what I'm going through right now. Until we get that Bastard Metatron, that's constantly on my mind. I have to struggle to even keep my mind on anything else. I can't think, I don't know how to deal with this."

Sam nodded and considered Dean's comments for a minute.

"Remember when I was going through a lot of shit a couple years ago? Remember what you were always telling me? To push it down?  To bury it? To let it come out in other ways? You said that's how you handle it, you push it down. I never thought that was the greatest thing to do, but I'm wondering why you aren't just doing that now?"

"I try. Believe me I try!. I Just can't for some reason."

If you let her, I think Maggie will help you, help to calm you. If I had to design the right woman for you, I couldn't do better than Maggie. And I know you better than anyone."

Dean looked over at Sam, hurt and fear all over his face, and shaking his head. "I don't know man, I just don't know." He swallowed hard. "But dammit, Sammy, I really do wanna try!"

Sammy nodded. "Good," he said. "Good."

They checked out about 15 books on the subject of multiple universes. On the way home, "Sam said, "Dean look. I think you need Maggie. But even more, I think Maggie really needs you. These girls, they are as messed up for their world as we are for ours. They can relate. And we can relate. They hurt, especially Maggie. If you can focus on that thought, then maybe you can get through the haze."

They were silent for a good five minutes. Then Dean nodded. "You're right Sammy, you are. Maggie does need me. And I can help her. Might be a challenge. But when have you ever known me to walk away from a challenge?"

"Never," said Sam. "And you won't do it now either."

Katie and Maggie

When they got to their parents' car, it was thankfully in the garage. Katie, I need to talk before we go in.

Katie said, "Of course, sweetie, what's up? You okay?"

"I think so. I'm glad we told them and that's out of the way. I do feel a lot better about that. But I'm really worried for Dean. I think we have something between us, but the weirdest thing happened while you were out of the room with Sam. All of a sudden, I was like totally shy with him. I couldn't think of a single thing to say. And you know what? I kind of got the impression he was shy too. How crazy is that?"

Katie considered that question, and then said, "You know what? That might not be as weird as you might think. You both seem to be struggling with what's happening between you. We both know your issues, and Dean, well Dean has always hidden his real feelings under smartass remarks and bravado. But now he's feeling something he doesn't want to piss away like that. So he's at a loss for how to deal. That and all the rest he's dealing with."

"Yeah, that makes some sense. He wants to talk tonight. You wanna know what it felt like between us? Like we just met and he was a scared little boy afraid to make the first move. And I was a shy little girl afraid he wouldn't make it."

Katie had to laugh a little at that. Somehow, I can totally see that. Just go with the flow, sweetie, things will work out, you'll see."

Maggie nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Okay so what about you guys?"

Katie smiled broadly. "Oh I think we are coming along just fine, Mags. Just really awesomely, wonderfully, spectacularly fine."

Maggie laughed. "Just fine, huh? … Let's go do some work."

Somewhere off in the Multiverse

"Sir, I have something to report," said the underling.

He stood there waiting for some time before HE finally looked down and deigned to acknowledge his presence. The underling  knew better than to say anything more until HE was ready. He didn’t even twitch.

In due time, HE did look down, and that was enough permission to speak. "It's the Winchester line, sir," he said. "Something seems to be interfering with it. Something unplanned. Not much yet, just a little static. But enough to warrant investigation. Sir!"

Again he waited for HIM to speak. "THEN  INVESTIGATE!" was all that was said. Though HE spoke softly, his voice boomed loud enough to be heard throughout half the complex. It was enough of a command to make the underling realize he'd better be prepared to move some mountains. His existence depended on it.

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