Chapter 16 - Like a Virgin

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I led Sam to the bed and he sat down. He seemed almost in a daze. I stood in front of him, his long legs on either side of me and I held his head close to my breast. He felt very hot to me. "You're burning up," I said, "hang on a minute."

I went to the little sink area and wet down a washcloth with cold water. I went back to Sam and gently ran the cool cloth over his face. I put the cloth down and held him close to me again. I was caressing his hair and kissing the top of his head.

Suddenly he stood up and grabbed me, and kissed me so hard I cut the inside of my lip on a tooth. I didn't care. I was kissing the man I loved, and he was hurting inside. Whatever it was he needed I was willing to give him.

He kissed me over and over, passionately, longingly. Finally, between kisses he said, "Katie, I need you. I need you really badly! Please say yes! ... Please!"

I reached up and took off his jacket, which he was still wearing. He pulled my tee shirt over my head. I peeled off his flannel plaid and pulled his tee shirt over his head. He opened my jeans and pulled them down, along with my panties. I opened his belt, his jeans button and his zipper. I had a fleeting thought that for once I didn't have trouble with the button. He helped me finish undressing him and we both fell onto the bed.

Our hands were all over one another, kissing and rolling over this way and that, changing who was on top. I could tell he was still carrying a heavy emotional burden, and he said again how much he needed me. I opened my legs in invitation, and he didn't hesitate to respond. He slid into me fast and hard, and his passion rose quickly. He made awesome sounds as he got close to climax, and I loved watching his face as he climbed higher and higher. When finally he finished I thought that his face in the throes of passion was the most beautiful face I had ever seen.

As his ardor cooled he rolled off to the side of me, getting his breathing back under control. And then I saw the tears. He was saying "Katie, I'm so sorry," over and over again. I tried to soothe him, to tell him it was all right, that I understood. I kissed him. I wiped away his tears. But it took quite a while to get him to stop being so upset.

He was holding me in his arms, still upset about what he had done. "Please don't," I said. "I understand. You had so much pent up emotion from the fight with Abaddon and from what's going on with Dean that you had to let it go. You didn't hurt me. You gave me something I've been wanting. So please, don't be upset okay?"

"You didn't finish though, did you?"

"No but, … I never do."

"What do you mean you never do? Haven't you ever had a climax?" he asked.

"Well yeah, I can do it for myself. But I've never had one with a man."

"Never?!" He asked. He sounded incredulous.

"Never," I said. "I guess no one ever cared enough about me to make it happen."

"Son of a Bitch if I don't go and do the same thing to you." He sounded pretty pissed at himself. Then he leaned up on his elbow and looked in my eyes. "Katie," he said softly, "That's about to change."

He brushed my hair from my face and kissed me. His kisses are so soft and wonderful. I still couldn't believe this was happening to me. Who cared if I came or not? But he was speaking in such a very soft, gentle tone, which I found soothing and sensual at the same time. "What do you like, Katie, what turns you on?" he asked.

I shrugged. Regardless of my sexual history, this was new to me. "You don't need to be embarrassed, with me Katie. Making love is a beautiful thing, when it's given and received in the spirit of loving and caring." All the while he was talking to me, he was caressing me, and kissing me.

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