Chapter 49 - Surprise Meeting

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Sam's POV

I watched as Dean began waking up. His face first registered confusion, then recognition, then confusion again. He looked around and saw me sitting on the chair, watching him. "Why am I here?" he asked.

"You don't remember?"

"No," he said. Then he looked more closely at me? "Who did that to you?" he asked.

"You did." I said.


I shrugged. "No idea," I said. "Thought maybe you might have one," I said.

Dean sat up and moaned, rubbing his eyes. "No, I don't. When did I do that?"

"Sometime in the middle of the night." I said.

"Huh!" he said. "Sorry, dude, I don't remember. Did I break your nose?"

"Yeah," I said. "Again!"


"Don't sweat it," I said.

"Okay then, nice talk. I'm hungry!" Then he got a whiff of himself. "Ew! But first, I need a shower," he said, and took off for his own room.

I tracked down Garth in the kitchen and warned him not to mention the events of the night. Then I went back to my room, changed the bedding and took a shower myself.

When I got out of the shower, Katie was there. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "What happened to you?"

"My brother happened to me," I said.


"Come, sit down, I'll tell you what happened."

So I told her the events of the night, all of them, and the first thing she said was, "Sam! I don't believe you! After all these years you still think the best way to deal with your brother is to keep things from him? Baby, he's going to be livid when he finds out the truth! Or remembers it!"

"Katie, I know. But right now, whatever Cas did to him has him chilling, and I'm not about to do anything to mess with that. I'll deal with the fallout when it happens, like I always do." I looked at her pleadingly. "Katie, please, don't be mad at me. I need you by my side right now."

She hugged me then, and said, "Oh Sammy, I'm not mad. And I will always, always be by your side. I'm just… just hurting, for both of you." I held her close for a while, drinking in her scent, her feel, and the strength she always seemed to be able to give me just when I needed it, and then we headed for the kitchen.

Maggie took one look at me and started to say something, but Katie shook her head and she squelched it. Breakfast was actually fun. I watched Dean like a hawk, and if he was still freaking out inside, I didn't see any sign of it. We actually had some laughs, and the girls got along really well with Garth.

The girls made us help clean up the kitchen, probably just to keep us together for as long as possible. We walked them out to the car and let Garth watch them disappear. Then we got to work. Garth left to get our supplies, and I have to admit Dean and I were a bit on edge until he returned, almost three hours later. But he said nothing happened to him, and he didn't lose any time along the way.

The rest of the day was spent drinking beer, sawing wood, hammering nails, painting walls and drinking more beer. We actually accomplished a lot more than I thought we would. There was no sign of freaking out by Dean. It was a really good day. Only having Katie here could have made it any better.

Outside the Bat Cave

Andro watched the panel truck back out of the garage and turn around. He eased out onto the street and followed it. He still couldn't get a read on the driver. It was almost like he was dead. But all he did was go to a number of home building stores and leave with supplies. It looked like he really was a building contractor just doing his job, so Andro didn't worry about it too much.

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