Chapter 22 - The Lady In White

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Katie's POV

We didn't get very far into the episode when Sam, who had the remote, stopped the video. "Is that supposed to be Jessica?" he asked, frowning.

"Yes," I answered.

"Well it's not," he said. "And that party, that never happened."

"Wow that's interesting," I said. "Let's keep going and see how much else is different."

Sam restarted the show, but not very much further, at the part where Dean sneaks into the house and they fight, both boys shouted, "What?" and Sam stopped It again. "That's not how that happened, I never broke in, I knocked on the door."

"And we didn't fight," said Sam.

"Huh!" I said, looking from one to the other. It was kind of funny, but both boys were almost looking offended that the show wasn't getting it right.

Sam shrugged and started again. This time we got all the way to the part where it said what their dad was hunting, and Dean sad, "At least that part's right." They continued through the whole episode like this, shouting out that this or that thing was wrong or right, and that people weren't the same. In fact, no one but Sam and Dean themselves seemed to be actually the same people. Not even their dad! Some names were even different. This was both extremely interesting and extremely puzzling.

When the episode was over, we sat and discussed it in detail. The job itself was correct, it was the Lady in White. The bridge they had the scenes on was not the same as the real one, most conversation was wrong, but Sam really did drive the Impala right into the old house and they managed to kill the ghost. But according to them, it wasn't nearly as interesting when it happened as it was on the show.

"Well," I said, trying to consider all this. "It really makes sense doesn't it? In your real life why would it be laid out like a TV show? It wouldn't. And that's why you wonder why anyone would want to see the story of your lives. The way you actually lived them, maybe they wouldn't so much. But obviously they would have to make it interesting for viewers. So they took the basic story and then rewrote it. That all makes sense. But why would you two be exactly the same? That part doesn't make sense at all."

Dean was really thinking hard. "Somehow I think that's very important information," to which we all agreed.

The most disturbing thing was that the actor portraying their dad didn't look much like their dad. But along the same lines, the fact that Jess wasn't the same Jess was also troubling.

I think we should start keeping notes," I said. "I'm gonna go get my computer, be right back." When I got back everyone was gone, but they soon returned with sandwiches and beer. I hadn't realized I was starving until I saw the food. "Oh good, just what I needed, you guys are great," I said smiling.

"Goes without saying," said Dean, with that self-satisfied smug look he has.

"Okay then, I won't say it again," I said sarcastically which made him pout.

"You know what is the same?" I said, as though something had just hit me, which it had. "Exactly the same." I looked from Sam to Dean several times thinking. "The way your facial expressions are the same under certain conditions;  the way Dean still has his sarcastic wit, even if the words aren't the same; the way Sammy smiles and teases Dean; that kind of stuff is eerily the same."

"Hey, hey," said Dean. "I'm the only one who gets to call him Sammy!"

"Sorry Charlie," I said, "but that's not an exclusive club anymore."

Dean looked a questioning face at Sam, who said, "She can call me Sammy." to which Dean responded, "What the Hell, man?" Then he shook his head and began eating his sandwich, looking like his world had just turned sideways.

"But see, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The fictional Sam and Dean have that same dynamic, that only Dean can call Sam Sammy. If so many other things are different, why should things like that be the same?"

At this point Maggie chimed in with, "Katie, where do we fit in?"

Everyone looked at her. "Are we here because whoever or whatever is pulling these strings brought us here too, or is our presence here a wrench in the works? Are we changing the script or playing into it?"

Now that was a very interesting question, and one we really wanted an answer to, but somehow I didn't think one would be coming very soon.

"We need to get going on research, both here and on the other side." Sam said. "We need to know exactly what's the same and what's different."

"Sam," Dean said, looking very serious. "We also need to keep looking for Metatron, and finding a way to gank his ass."

"I know Dean," said Sam. "And we will. We will keep at that too, as much as we can. In fact, yeah, I agree, that's top priority. But right now we are at a standstill on that. Until we get some new trail to follow, we might as well start work on this problem."

Dean thought a bit and nodded, "Yeah okay, you're right. I just wish we could get that over with," he said. And for a few moments he was that scary Dean, the one we were all worried about. But he seemed to regain control and shove it off. "Okay, well then let's fire up the next episode and keep going. I'm actually kind of enjoying it."

Sam started up the second episode, and I took notes as we went along. We were finding out some very interesting things, and the farther we got, the more disturbing it was. Who the hell was pulling our strings?

Castiel's POV

Castiel found Camael in his own headquarters, still trying to do his job even though he and his minions were currently stuck on Earth. Cas watched the well-oiled machine. Cupids were still being sent out. Searchers were still looking for perfect matches. Everyone seemed to have taken the move from Heaven to Earth in their stride. He nodded to himself, impressed.

He found Camael in his office and asked for a word, which he was granted. The archangel was beautiful beyond description. Just being in his presence filled Cas with a feeling of love and well-being.

"You found matches for Sam and Dean. Good ones from what I can see. I came to thank you."

"Well Cas, it was a challenge. But you are welcome." His voice was like a harmony of beautiful music almost too intense to bear, even for another angel. He spoke slowly, softly, almost seductively.

"Yes, I see you had to go to another world to find them."

"We did, yes, indeed we had to. I put my best searchers on the job. They searched through hundreds of worlds before they finally found the right ones. For a while there, I wasn't sure we could complete the assignment."

"Your people did well, very well. What I also came to ask about, though, is how it can be that Sam and Dean are fictional characters on that other world. Do you run into that often?"

"Well, yes and no. Here's the thing about universes. They are infinite. Every book ever written on every universe in existence creates another universe where the characters and events in the book are real. Some of those universes last a long time. Others wink out of existence almost before they get started. But in all my thousands of years, I have never seen another case like this one. This one has the mark of interference."

"Interference by who? Or what?" asked Cas.

Camael shook his head. "I'm sorry Cas," he said. "I truly don't know. We thought it was strange when we found the girls. But they were too perfect a match for us not to take them even so. Our job is matchmaking. We couldn't worry about the strangeness of the situation."

Cas thought for a few moments. "I see," he said. "Thank you for your time Camael, and thank you again for finding the girls. I believe they are perfect. But," he said thoughtfully, a slight frown on his forehead, "I need to find out more about what's going on there. You say it has the mark of interference. I don't like the sound of that. Not at all."

They nodded a goodbye at each other and Cas zapped back to his own headquarters. Finding and defeating Metatron had to take precedence. But as always, his concern for the boys, especially Dean, was ever-present in the back of his mind.

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