Chapter 6 - Useful Skills

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"Crap," said Dean, hearing that Abaddon was once again in their near future.

"Here's another thing to think about." I said. "It takes a couple weeks or more of writing and filming before a TV episode is aired to the public. So how is it that someone on our world knows what's going to happen to you guys before it does?"

Sam said, "It has to be a powerful entity that has access to both worlds. That's the only thing that makes sense."

We all sat and considered that for a bit and then Dean said to Maggie, "So you're a computer hacker and a grade A mechanic. What other useful skills do you two have that you're not telling us?"

He looked directly at me as he asked that question so I smiled, and looked right into his gorgeous green eyes, batted my eyelashes and said, "Some of my special skills wouldn't be particularly useful to you (with emphasis on the you.)"

Sam looked at me quizzically, as Dean made his 'Okay, If that's what you say," face, grunted "Huh!" and went back to his lunch.

"But actually I do have a skill that you might find maybe just a tad bit useful now and then."

"And what would that be?" asked Dean, chewing on a bite of bacon.

"I can read old languages," I said, which almost made him choke on his food.

I felt Sam tense up beside me, and Dean actively swallowed his bite of bacon. Then he looked at me from the corners of his eyes and said, "Come again?"

"I can read old languages," I said again. You know, like "Ancient Latin and Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Akkadian, Middle English, Sanscrit, Old Norse, oh and a bit of Old Enochian." I said all this completely matter of factly, and had to really try hard not to laugh at the look on Dean's face. I was kinda glad I couldn't see Sam.

After a long pause during which Dean and Sam both watched me eat several bites of my salad, Dean finally cleared his throat, and asked, "Why on earth would you know all those languages?"

I shrugged. I'm a researcher. It's what I do. I often need to be able to read things like Greek, Latin, Hebrew, but I've had jobs where I've had to study other old languages too. I like it, I'm good at it. Plus it really looks good on a resume."

"Okay, I can see that. But why Enochian?"

"Oh that! Well I started looking that up when I ran into it on your show. It's a very intriguing language so I play around with it."

Dean looked at Sam. "She plays around with it." he said. Then he started talking to himself. "She plays around with Enochian.  Just like that, she plays around with Enochian." Then he looked at me with his pissed off face and said, "Why the hell couldn't you have told us this when you first got here?"

"I glared right back at him and said, "If I remember right you weren't exactly in a listening frame of mind. You were ready to drop us off somewhere. I did tell you we could be useful to you but nooo you couldn't possibly see how." I took a breath and settled down. "I figured We'd tell you what we could do when you were ready to hear it." That got a chuckle out of Sam.

"You should also know we can handle ourselves pretty well, sad Maggie. . At least in our own world. Our father is a mechanic, but our mom is a cop. She's a unit captain now. We grew up learning self defense. We can shoot a gun and we can handle a knife. And we know how to be aware of our surroundings. So we aren't exactly liabilities."

Dean leaned back in his seat and said slowly, "Okay. Fine. That's just fine. Are there any other skills either one of you have that we should know about?"

I exchanged an amused glance with Maggie, took a sip of my soda and said with a smile, "No, not really. At least not that we're gonna show the both of you at the same time." They looked at each other for a few seconds. Then they both looked away with small smiles trying not to form at the edges of their mouths.

'Okay then," said Dean. "I guess you girls are going to be around for a while, so let's go get you geared up."

We left the diner and hit up a Walmart. They are just the same as they are on our own world. No real surprise there. I think they're the same in China.  Maggie and I got a few changes of clothes, some underwear, a good pair of sneakers and some necessary toiletries. We also got a backpack to keep it all in. We were going to have to learn how to travel light and fast.

We met up with the boys, who had also bought us some things like flashlights, lighters, a penknife and a few other things they thought of that we wouldn't. They also got each of us a really nice journalist's jacket with lots of pockets inside and out so we can carry it all.

It was beginning to look like we were well on our way to settling in. If we weren't so worried about how our parents were coping, it would all be the most exciting thing that ever happened to us.

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