"Kambria! Stop cutting me off!" He yelled into the phone making me smirk.

"You mad?" I taunted hearing him sigh heavily. He hung up the phone and I shrugged, tossing it back on the couch.

An hour had passed and I was bored out of my mind. Alora couldn't come over because she was with Malina at work.

My phone began fo ring again and it was Lorenzo. I rolled my eyes as I answered.

"Open the door." He said.


"Open the door." He repeated slowly.

I hung up on him and opened the front door seeing him standing there.

I hung up on him and opened the front door seeing him standing there

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"Lorenzo, you can't be here." I forgot he came over here a couple times with Alora. My parent's weren't here. Kaleb was out doing God knows what.

"Why not? Your parents here?" He looked me up and down before licking his lips.


"Oh, aight." He let himself in and sat on the couch.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I sat on the couch farthest from him.

"Early dismissal." He got up and sat next to me making my eyes roll hard. But his black eye brought me satisfaction. "You didn't even let me explain before you punched me in the eye."

"I didn't have to. You're making me look dumb. You're supposed to be mines even though we haven't established the whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing. Got bitches out here trying to fight me cause you're fucking her."

"I wasn't fucking her. I did a few months ago and she thinks I'm her nigga. I told you that I haven't had sex with anyone recently."

"It doesn't even matter anymore because I'm done with you." I shrugged.

"You want me to prove to you that I'm not talking to anyone? Tell me how and I'll do it. You want all my passwords? You can have them. You want me to call every girl in my phone and tell them wassup? Cause I'll do that too."

"You serious?"

"I'm dead ass. I've been trying to get with you since last year and I'm not going to lose my chance now."

"I hate you so much." I could feel myself blushing.

"You know you feeling the kid." He kissed my cheek then my lips. I kissed him back, which took me by surprise.

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