Early Morning Mischief

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"Wake up, Evans," whispered James softly.

Lily struggled with the sheets wrapped around her ankles, rolled onto her stomach, gave the sheets a final kick, and mumbled something incoherently into her pillow.

Crouching beside the bed, James whispered again, "Psst...Lily!"

"Hmm? I'm awake," mumbled Lily sleepily. She pushed herself up, scraped the stray strands of red hair out of her face, and blinked open her eyes.

"Bloody hell, Potter!" Lily grabbed the ball of sheets at the bottom of her bed and yanked it up to her chin. "What in Merlin's name are you doing in my room at..." she fumbled around under her pillow for her alarm clock, glaring furiously at James. "Three in the-THREE IN THE MORNING!"

James stared at her wide-eyed.

"WELL?" Lily screeched.

"Be quiet, Lils," Marlene laughed. "You'll wake the others."

Lily squinted towards the doorway, where Marlene was standing, then looked back at James, who was still crouched beside her grinning. She fell back into her pillow with her hands on her face. "Explain, you idiot."

"I can't explain here. Just come with us."

"It's past curfew!"

"I prefer to think of curfew as a...suggestion."

"I don't think Filch will agree." Lily whispered as she peered over James's shoulder. Sirius was leaning in the doorway with his arm on the frame behind Marlene. Peter was fidgeting right behind them, and Remus was out in the hallway, sitting against the wall. They were all in their pajamas.

Lily clambered out of bed and shoved her feet into her slippers. "Alright, I'm coming," she sighed. "But I'm leaving at the first sign of anything weird...or illegal."

"Brilliant," James said as he pulled something fluid and silvery grey out of his back pocket.

"What's that?" asked Lily.

"An invisibility cloak," James told her.

"You have an invisibility cloak?"


Lily's green eyes grew wide. "I don't think I'm going to sleep well at night knowing that."

"Come on," James said and he threw the cloak over them.

"What about everyone else?"

"We agreed that it was most important to protect the prefect from the consequences of getting caught."

Lily blushed. "Oh, and James," she muttered in his ear, "Please knock next time."

A grin crept onto James's face. "Okay."

James led them down the marble staircase into the entrance hall.

"Where are we going?" Lily asked when he turned left and headed for a corridor that she had never been down before.

"You'll see in a minute," James said excitedly. Lily followed him down a flight of stone steps, but instead of ending up in a gloomy passage that led to the dungeons, they found themselves in a broad stone corridor, lit with glowing torches. James stopped in front of a painting of a bowl of fruit and leaned in towards Lily.

"Have you ever been into the kitchens, Evans?"

"Of course not," Lily said impatiently, "Students aren't supposed to – "

"Rules are made to be broken, Evans."

"Nothing is made to be broken, that doesn't even make sense."

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