The Hallowe'en Feast

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October had come and gone in a blur of wind and rain. In two days, Hogwarts was having its annual Hallowe'en Feast, and being stuck inside with nothing to keep them occupied, meant that it was all anyone could talk about in happy anticipation. Crates of apples had arrived in the kitchens, Hagrid had begun to haul pumpkins bigger than horses up to the castle, and there were rumours that Dumbledore had been in correspondence with The Hobgoblins. That night, however, it was costumes that were being discussed in the Gryffindor common room.

"So James, you'll be John, and Wormtail will be Ringo."

"Noo, not Ringo!" whined Peter.

"I can be Ringo?" offered Remus.

"Peter is Ringo!" snapped Sirius.

The boys were slumped in the common room armchairs around the fire. They had been arguing about costumes since dinner, and were no closer to a solution than they had been when Remus suggested going as Dementors.

"Peter just suck it up, no one will even be able to tell the difference! If I'm going to be John, then Remus is George, and Sirius you can be Paul. How's that?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Are we finished, is that it then? Everybody happy?" asked Remus joyously.

"Paul wishes he was as cool as me," grumbled Sirius.

"Oh for the love of Merlin, no!" Remus flopped back onto the sofa with his hands over his face.

"I definitely think James should be John," Lily said with her nose still in Enchanted Encounters. "But Remus would be Paul, and Sirius, George."

Marlene looked up from Witch Weekly and raised her eyebrows at Lily.

"But that means I'm still Ringo! I want to be John!"

"Prongs has to be John, he wears glasses," said Sirius.

"Wow! Such discrimination! What if I don't want to be John?"

"You don't want to be John?"

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying what if?"

"We don't have time for 'what if', it's nearly half eleven!" Remus protested.




Lily laughed and put down her book. "Here James," she said, reaching out her hand. "Pass me your glasses."

"What are you gonna do with them?" he asked, but he took them off and tentatively offered them to Lily.

"Colovaria," she muttered, spiralling her wand over the lenses. She handed them back to James a shade of amber. "Now you have to be John."

James turned his new glasses over in his hands, then put them on and ran his fingers casually through his dishevelled hair.

"Say, Evans," James said, looking dreamily around the room through the amber lenses. "You're a girl."

"Do I need to contrive a witty way of telling you how efficiently you conveyed the most obvious statement in the world, Potter, or will 'well spotted' suffice?"

James wasn't unnerved. "I've heard it around, that with The Hobgoblins coming and everything, there might be a bit of a party afterwards. How would you like to-"

"Not in a thousand years, Potter!" Lily glared at him, tucking her legs underneath her and picking up Enchanted Encounters.

"You know, I think you're wearing her down," Sirius smirked. "Wasn't it a million years last time?" James whacked him over the back of the head.

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