The Furry Little Problem

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The first waking moments were always the worst. After a night like that, he could never remember much. Dusty and disordered memories flashed like photographs in his mind, and brief terror gripped his stomach as he tried to piece together the events. Remus blinked. The morning, winter sun burned his eyes.

"Aaaand he's awake!"

Familiar blurry outlines of the Hospital Wing came into focus, and Remus found just enough strength to identify the owner of the voice- Sirius Black.

"Good morning, Moony," he said cheerfully. "Sleep well?"

Remus yawned, and with tremendous effort, pushed himself up on to his elbows. "Funny," he croaked.

"I try."

"What time is it?"

"Around nine," Sirius estimated.

"Breakfast is over," Peter said from the other side of the bed, "but we brought you some bacon."

At the sight of the three rashers of pink meat, a lump grew in Remus's throat, and he grabbed the bucket by his bed, vomiting into it. A minute later, coughing, and wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he lay back down.

"Where's James?" he asked.

"That will be the last of his leg in the bucket," Sirius said casually, causing Remus to sit up and grab a clammy fistful of his friend's jumper.

"Don't joke with me, Padfoot. Where's James?" Remus demanded. More hazy images flashed in his retinas.

"Don't panic, Moony," Sirius said reassuringly, "he's fine. He's unconscious in that bed over there," he pointed to a bed in the corner surrounded by curtains, "and Pomfrey thinks he might have a few broken ribs, but he's fine, I promise."

"Oh Merlin," Remus grimaced, rubbing at his forehead. "How did you explain that one?"

"We fixed up the scratches and bite marks before we brought him here," said Peter, "and said he fell down the stairs sleepwalking."

"I suggested it might be a little bit more James Potter if we said it was a quidditch accident, but he thought another visit to Madame Pomfrey might get him kicked off the team," Sirius chuckled.

"What did James say?" Remus asked. "Was he angry?"

"Course not. You know Prongs."

"He didn't even seem to notice he was hurt."

"Completely barking mad...wait, no, that's me."

"Padfoot," Remus glared at him.

"He was just glad he was there to help," Sirius whispered. Then he stood up, and said brightly, "Well, I've got potions. I wonder who Slughorn will reward with the pleasure of my company."

"No-one. I'm coming," Remus replied, wincing as he climbed out of bed. "I need to get away from these bright lights."

"Are you sure, Moony? You don't look too great."

"I'm coming."

The bell rang, and the two boys took the familiar path down to the dungeons, while Peter went to his Muggle Studies lesson. When they arrived in the corridor, the rest of the class were waiting outside. The five Ravenclaws were standing in a group by the door; Mary and Dorcas were talking to the pokey Hufflepuff boy, whose name Sirius couldn't remember; and Snape was standing with Avery, but he was engrossed in his copy of Advanced Potion Making. They joined Lily and Marlene.

"Where've you- Merlin, Remus, are you feeling alright?" said Marlene.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You just look a little more...grey than usual. You don't think you caught your mum's illness do you?"

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