Eight: Closer

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It's been weeks since they're sent on this private school, classes has started, the girls are in really great terms- well except for Nayeon and Jeongyeon who are fighting 24/7.

Jihyo stands as the leader, Nayeon does not hate her to death anymore. In fact, they more likely into really close friends. They're the mom friend among everyone.

Nayeon is still a brat but more mature because of Jihyo- they're talking about R19 most of the time- but still has the childish side. Well, maybe because she looks like a kid? She's still a kid but in the oldie's body.

Jeongyeon doesn't keep distance with girls anymore but she still hates kisses but fine with other skinships except kisses. She always teases and annoys Nayeon that always lead to chasing and hitting each other around the dorm.

Momo still spends her day by sleeping or eating. She's a slacker but still has the best body, along with Mina. Now she's eating alone on the kitchen, satisfying herself with Jeongyeon's cookings.

Sana is the gayest. I mean the one who loves skinships too much that it annoys you if you're an idiot. The girls only act like they're irritated whenever Sana's wrapping her arms on them, in fact they're loving it whenever the squirrel is around. It's like Sana's kisses- except Jeong- and hugs- well this include Jeong- are their daily routine.

Mina, she possessed Momo's sleeping habit. Well maybe she had that habit since birth, not leaving the bed and loves her bed more than anyone. Still the quiet one- or maybe her voice is just.. not loud. The best thing for ASMR.

Dahyun? She's the cheerful one, she's the clown friend that always makes the other girls laugh, she's the brightest. She's also Sana's favorite HAHA! Dahyun became closer to Sana ever since they stayed and sleep in one room and one huge bed. They often wake up with arms wrapped around each other, faces inches away. They're comfortable with each other that they didn't mind how close their faces are but will crack at each other's morning faces.

Chaeyoung, as always the menace. Apparently, the person who loves to annoy her unnies. But she mostly spent her time on doodling and doing some masterpieces of her. She even drew a portrait of them nine. She's Jeongyeon's partner in all crimes, dad jokes, annoying the girls, or even sneaking out and ditching classes.

Tzuyu, she has changed a lot. She's closest to Dahyun and Chaeyoung as always. She talks oftentimes now and does not isolate herself like she always do before. She likes hanging out with her unnies and not locking herself on her room like what her Mina unnie always do. But still the savagery haven't left her, still the tsundere type.

Back to the topic, they're sitting together in a small hut near the shore. It's their lunch break and they stopped in their favorite spot. They call the place, 'TWICE HUT' yes.

It's the expensive person, Mina Myoui's treat and they're eating in deluxe. Of course Momo loves it.

"Momo, slow down. You might get a stomachache after." Mina said looking intently at the older who's munching two pizzas.

"It won't haffen!" Momo exclaimed with her mouth full. The girls laughed at her while Mina's shaking her head with a small smile.

"Here, try this." Dahyun gestured a cheesy sandwich on Sana's mouth and Sana took it heartfully. Sana hummed in delight since she can't talk with her mouth full. She literally looks like a squirrel with her stuffed cheeks.

"Adorable!" Jihyo exclaimed, "I agree." Chaeyoung agreed laughing while poking Sana's cheek. A tint red flashed on the older's face.

"Dahyun, you're lucky to have a really cute girlfriend." Jeongyeon blurted, Dahyun's cheeks turned red and it was visible because of her pale skin.

"She's not my girlfriend." Dahyun commented and Sana beside her scoffed, "I'm not?" the taller raised an eyebrow and Dahyun hid her face with her hair that gained cheers from the other girls. She leaned on Sana's back as she hid from embarrassment.

"What is it, Dahyun-ah?" Sana asked as if Dahyun's whispering something to her, "Ohh.. I'm not your girlfriend yet. I will be soon." Sana flashed a smile while nodding that made Dahyun more embarrass. The girls on the hut cheered louder and teased Dahyun more.

"Unnieee!" Dahyun whined and playfully smacked Sana's shoulder that made the older laugh.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon you stomped on my foot!" Nayeon winced in pain, "Sorry!" the younger apologized- not sincerly while laughing and earned a hit from the bunny. "You did it purposely, didn't you?!" Nayeon asked in annoyance.

"Maybe?" Jeongyeon teased and stood up to run and the shorter girl came to chase her. They're chasing each other around the hut and Jeongyeon even hid in Jihyo's back, preventing herself to get hit by the raging Nayeon.

"Park Jihyo! Help me!" Jeongyeon yelped. Nayeon tackled Jihyo and they started to wrestle on the sand, Jeongyeon came to join them by hopping on the top of the two, not minding their uniforms to get dirty and all sandy(?)

"YAH! YOO JEONGYEON GET THE FUCK OFF! YOU'RE A FREAKING HEAVY ASS!" Jihyo grunted as she try to push Jeongyeon away from her, "PARK JIHYO YOU'RE HEAVY TOO, YOU GET OFF ME YOU UGLY BITCH!" Nayeon exclaimed under the two. "YOU'RE THE ONE STARTED WRESTLING ME DUMBASS!" Jihyo retorted and Jeongyeon laughed while on top of them, purposely weighting herself to squeeze the two that yelped in pain specially Nayeon.

The girls sitting on the hut are laughing while watching the 3Mix kill each other on the sand. "Nayeon unnie is losing air!" Chaeyoung cackled as she leaned her head on the laughing Tzuyu's shoulder.

"Enough you three, Nayeon is dying." Mina stopped the two from squeezing Nayeon and stood up to find Nayeon catch her breath helplessly.

"I will sue you both." Nayeon said panting her breath as she sat up. The two who recovered fast started hitting each other after dusting their uniforms. Nayeon's still on the sand, combing her hair with her fingers when Sana stood up and spoke.

"LAST ONE TO GET IN THE CLASSROOM WILL WASH THE DISHES TONIGHT!" she said and started running while gripping on Dahyun's hand, she almost trip and stumbled slightly on Dahyun before laughing.

The girls raced off and left Nayeon who's still on the sad trying to recover herself from being squeezed earlier.

"Aish.. really." she didn't tried to run up to them since she knew she's the slowest and get tired easily. Instead she just dusted off her uniform while shaking her head with a small smile on her face.

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