A new beginning of Love

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The sound of people in a commotion. The ambulance sirens that keeps on ringing to Yuzu's ears. Blood stained on her hand and shirt. A crying mother on her side who is trying to reach to her dying daughter. Yuzu suddenly felt someone pull her shoulder and a man three inches taller than her started to ask questions.

"Hey, Miss are you hurt?" The police officer ask her while looking on the bloodstains.

"I'm fine. Don't worry this isn't my blood." Yuzu explained then she reached on here left pocket showing her identification card to the man in front of her. "I'm a doctor."

The police officer sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, I'm just on my way home when the car accident took place. I just need to give the victim a first aid before the ambulance arrived." The man just nod his head while listening to Yuzu's explanation.

"Well the victim are lucky that a doctor is here. Thank you for your help Aihara-san." The man in uniformed offer a handshake but the blonde waved her hand. "No need to thank me. Even though I'm on leave it is till my duty as a doctor to take care any patient in need." Then Yuzu showed her hand to the man. "And beside as much as I like to shake hands with you. As you can see there is blood on my hand." The man smiled and bowed his head.

"Well I have to go now. I need to report this to my superior. Thank you again and it's rare to meet a beautiful and kind doctor this days." The man smiled sheepishly to her.

Yuzu just shrugged and shake her head. She started to walk again, on her way home people keep on staring with worried face. Yuzu forget that her shirt are covered with bloodstains.

When she entered the apartment building one of her neighbor approached her.

"Oh my... Aihara-san are you okay?" Mrs. Minamoto ask with concerned. Yuzu just smiled and waved her hand. "I'm fine Minamoto-san, it's just there was a car accident happened on my way home. And I just helped the victims." Yuzu give the old lady a smile to ease her worries.

"Well in that case you should get your self cleaned up before more people give you a worried looked." The older woman giggled. Yuzu just notice that the people walking in and out of the apartment building can't stop staring at her. The blonde blushed and excused herself to the older woman.

Yuzu let out a long sighed before opening the door to her apartment. It's been a week since she was home. She felt a bit nervous. She doesn't know why she felt that way. She closed the door behind her.

"I'm home." She greeted. After a second of silence a woman with a raven haired appeared in front of her. The book that she was holding suddenly fell down on the ground. Her lavender eyes widened as she started to feel uneasy.

"Y-Yuzu?" The raven haired woman started to walk towards her lover who is covered with bloodstain. Yuzu can see how worried she is and before the event escalated to something else she tried to calmed her down.

"Mei... It's fine this isn't my blood." Yuzu scratch the back of neck. "There was a accident on my way home and..." Before the blonde finish her sentence her lips was been captured by her lover. When their lips separated she can see the tears that started to form on her lovers eyes.

"I'm sorry Mei. If I made you worried." The brunette shake her head. "It's fine, Yuzu I'm just happy that you're home."

Mei held the blonde's hand and drag her inside the living room. "Now please clean yourself and take a shower. Being a doctor doesn't mean you need to bring your work at home." Mei said with authoritative voice. Yuzu just sheepishly smiled to her wife. "I'll prepare our breakfast." Mei went inside the kitchen and boiled some hot water.

Yuzu take a quick shower and relaxed her body as she bathed on the tub.

~ It's nice to be home. ~ she told herself. ~ aahh.. I really missed Mei. I'll make lots of Mei later. ~ Yuzu giggled while planning what she will do to her wife later.

Citrus Present : My irreplaceable treasure ( Yuzu x Mei )Where stories live. Discover now