Being In love

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"Shut up." Yuzu grabbed Mei by the shoulders roughly, crushing her lips against the woman. A small whimper escaped Mei's lips as Yuzu kissed her, pouring all her pent up hurt and anger into her actions. She steered the brunette woman backwards, pushing her against the kitchen counter.

Yuzu can't remember why there argument suddenly escalated to this.

It was just an hour ago when Yuzu stepped into the apartment, she first notice that it was a minimalist design, screaming high class, immaculate, and unlived in. There were almost no person items like family photo in sight, giving the apartment a sterile feeling.

"It's...not what I expected."

Yuzu said as she took a few steps into the living room. There were a few books on the coffee table and it looks like Mei still spent her time reading books, but some books were sat in a pile.

"Do you want a drink? Red or white wine?" Mei rummaged through the cupboards pulling out two glasses.

"I'm alright. Water is fine." The blonde replied. Browsing to the bookshelves filled with history books and some various old books. Yuzu was fascinated by the collection, briefly returning to the time when her shared room with Mei was full of this books.

As Yuzu entered the other room, she made her way over to Mei at the breakfast counter, pouring herself a generous amount of red wine, while a glass of ice water sat waiting for the blonde.

"Mei, when did you start drinking..."

Mei could hear the accusation in Yuzu's voice, but ignored her, taking a swig of the burgundy liquid. "I assure you that my day drinking is not cause for concern, doctor."

Yuzu cringed at the way the other woman addressed her. In retrospect, she didn't mean to come off so judgemental, but she wasn't in the best of moods. The seasoned physician resisted the urge to ask Mei about her alcohol habits.

There was a strange silence between them, the two women avoiding eye contact. Mei continued to drain the contents of her glass to fill the awkward inaction.

"About that night-"

"Yuzu, I-"

They both stopped mid-sentence to avoid speaking over the other, the awkwardness seeping back in.

Putting down her now empty wine glass, Mei closed the distance between them, standing at arm's length from the blonde. She gestured for Yuzu to continue.

With some hesitation, the blonde took breath before she started again.

"Why did you come to my apartment this morning?" Yuzu's words come out colder than she had planned, but she couldn't contain her contempt.

Mei almost flinched at the hostility, but outwardly, kept her composure. "I just wanted to apologized... for everything. And I wanted to tell you that you saved me that night in the hospital."

"It was my job." Yuzu answered automatically, trying to distance herself from emotions. She reached for the glass of water, taking a sip to preoccupy her hands. The blonde regretted her decision, wishing that she had something stronger to ease her through this conversation.

"That's not what I meant. You saved my life' but I want you to understand that seeing you..." Mei gazed into Yuzu's emerald eyes, pleading for a reprieve.
"Seeing you made me want to keep on living. I needed to tell you how sorry I am."

"Is that all you want to say to me? Sorry? I don,t think a simple sorry can make everything better." Yuzu felt uncomfortable at close proximity, backing up instinctively.

"I know it won't, but I'm begging you to give me a second chance." Desperation dripped from Mei's voice, surprising the blonde.

"I already gave you so many chances, but you kept throwing them back in my face. After all, the only one you care about is yourself, right?" Yuzu scoffed, turning aways she tried to hide the pained expression on her face.

Citrus Present : My irreplaceable treasure ( Yuzu x Mei )Where stories live. Discover now