Disregarded Love

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Yuzu is sitting on the edge of here bed, holding four envelopes on her hand. She slowly open the first letter Mei had made one day before her up coming marriage. Yuzu's emerald eyes trail every word writen on the piece of paper.

Hey Yuzu,

I'm sorry for leaving you without proper goodbyes. Maybe the thought of never seeing you again will stop me on my resolved on inheriting the Academy. However-

Warm tears flow to the blonde's cheek as she continued to read the letter.

For the past few months living without you in my life, feels like I'm slowly dying inside. Without your warm my heart become colder again. And that's the time I realized that you are the one that I needed the most. I cannot stand marrying someone that I don't love.

Yuzu's hand started to shake as she felt her heart tighten in every word writen on the letter.

I talk to my fiancee and confess about our relationship, He was a good man. He understand what I'm going through, what we are going through. He even told me a little secret, that the ring you bought me came from working to him as a part-time employee.

That was the time the blonde realized that her boss, Udagawa-san is Mei's fiancee.

I called our father and ask for his help. He was fine with it. He even bought us two tickets going to New York. Father told me that he already arranged a place for us to live there. I wanted to start a new life with you.

Yuzu, our flight will be leaving at 6am. I will be waiting for you at the airport.

Inside the envelope Yuzu pull out a plane ticket with her name on it. The blonde clutched the ticket near her chest and she began to sob.


It was a few hours later that Yuzu half stumbled out of Mei's apartment, her sweater hanging askew off her left shoulder. She had barely gotten her shoes on before she was out the door and nearly bolting down the corridor

"Yuzu, wait!"

Turning around, the blonde's heart sank as she watched Mei run out in her slippers, clad loose fitting Tee-shirt and shorts. She had thrown them on in a hurry, rushing after Yuzu. It was so inelegant, so uncharacteristic of the always well dress Mei. The sight made Yuzu hesitate. The blonde was already at the elevator, pressing the down button.

It was a mistake.

Her whole afternoon had been a mistake. Now, she didn't know if she would be able to stop thinking about Mei.

Mei, her first love.

Mei, the woman who had broken her heart.

Mei, a married woman.

Yuzu kept pushing the down button repeatedly, muttering under her breath. "C'mon...hurry up..."

"Yuzu, Stop this! I mean, after what happened-" Mei had almost caught up, only few meters away from the blonde.


The metal doors of the elevator opened and Yuzu rushed inside. pressing the buttons to close the doors. Before the doors slid shut, slipper clad foot appeared in the gap and the sensor's opened up the elevator again. Mei took this chance to barge into the small space, the door closing behind her.

Citrus Present : My irreplaceable treasure ( Yuzu x Mei )Where stories live. Discover now